Discussion: Fox Host Says Bob Bergdahl Looks 'Like A Member Of The Taliban' (VIDEO)

He actually looks like a Vermonter. Or a cast member on Duck Dynasty. Or Amish. Or just a guy with a beard.

But yeah, to be safe, we should have just let the Taliban kill his son and we should throw him in prison. He’s got a beard.


Reputable news organizations would reprimand or fire an on-air dingbat for saying something like Kilmeade apparently gets away with frequently.


Same thought here!

Now if hecould just tell his viewers that Phil Duckman is a taliban member promoting sharia law I might watch his morning propaganda fest!

Brian Kilmeade looks like the dude who gave the orders to torture and admitted on national television he’d do it again. That dude’s continued freedom in Dallas TX makes chumps of all Americans, including Brian Killmeade.

Is he also homocidal? His last name seems to suggest…well, SOMETHING… anything…

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I guess Brian Kilmeade also thinks the Amish are “taliban”? Really?

The “STUPID” is strong in Brian Kilmeade!

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So appearance constitutes the man? Bullchit I say.
I see nothing wrong with the man’s beard.

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Mr Kilmeade cleaves to the status quo. If everybody has short hair by God’n apple pie he will also. Never be independent. Never show solidarity with a family member.
Sheesh…what a maroon.

Thanks for that

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To be honest, I’ve long suspected Kilmeade’s gotta beard too.


Nauseating - the FOX stooges are simply playing to the bile engorged viewership - and are saying what the viewers are salivating to hear … ( or have been programed to salivate for)

So Jesus started the Taliban? Brian could you please set me straight on this?

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Hate-filled, hateful, and hurtful. It makes me so sad to see media that is held up as “news” or journalism by any name, and even sadder than the majority of those viewers never question what they are hearing. Reading the nastiness and vitriol of comments on most published articles on any subject is very disheartening for the future of our country.


The first time I saw the Duck Dynasty guy I thought it was Khalid Sheik Mohammad.

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Kilmeade looks like a penis with ears. So what?

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They should just be ashamed of themselves for basically gossiping about a US citizen on national TV. They just sat their repeating rumors and insulting a family that might have learned the language of their son’s captors. If my son was captured, god forbid, then I too would learn the language so that I could send him letters that might make it past the guards.

Other people have pretended to adopt the religion of their captors, case in point the Nigerian girls were photographed in burkas. I didn’t hear Fox say that they had become muslims (but then didn’t listen to Fox’s opinion on them either).
If I was a captive and pretending to bow to allah is what kept me above the ground then so be it. I guess that self preservation somehow makes me less American in Fox’s eyes.

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are we taking about the gun owning blond haired, blue-eyed, land owning Jesus? - or that liberal nonsense about some egalitarian, pacifist, be kind to the despicable poor, middle-eastern long haired guy?

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I think the father looks a little like Greg Jarrett in his mugshot.

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Wonder if he says the same thing about those Duck Dynasty guys?! LOL!

The right wing has always been made up of mostly terrible people but it does seem that since Caribou Granny (she ain’t Barbie anymore) came on the scene the discourse has gotten far nastier on the right. Sure, Rush and his fellow radio yellers have been saying all sorts of disgusting and offensive things for decades, but now it seems that anyone they can remotely connect to Obama or define as potentially liberal becomes the object of this unbridled rage and desperate attempts to discredit and denigrate. I mean, they are now attacking a POWs father. Never mind what his son may have or may not have done, this man is still a father who spent five years wondering if he’d ever see his child again. Instead of showing basic human compassion and sympathizing with his angst as a parent, this clown is bitching about his beard. SMDH


These comments, prior to the mid 80’s Reagan deregulation, would have obligated FOX to contact and offer Mr. Bergdahl within 48 hours of Kilmeade’s stupid remarks exactly the same airtime to respond or risk losing their license to broadcast.