Discussion: Fox Host Quizzes Trump On Muslim Ban: 'Does This Apply To Your Friends?'

Hmmm…It just occurred to me. Would Trump deny Muslim Americans in our armed forces abroad from reentering the country?
Guess “Support Our Troops” is sooo’ yesterday, huh?


To me watching Trump spout his bigoted philosophy is not fun. He draws more and more support for his dangerous philosophy. At last nights rally he drew loud applause and much support for his deranged ideas. A local radio station here in Iowa, the home of the first mosque in the U.S. runs a daily poll. At this time 63 percent think Trump is correct in his idea to ban Muslims. And we wonder how Hitler convinced a whole nation to support his evil plans!


As if FOX has been promoting sanity all these years. FOX and Trump are two peas in a pod they stand for the same thing; they just use different words. Fact is FOX thinks Trump isn’t conservative enough.

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[Trump] later noted that he believes his fellow presidential candidates will agree with his plan. When Van Susteren noted that a few had already denounced his proposal, Trump said that those candidates were low in the polls.

Nothing says asshole like insisting that people will agree with you, then belittling them when they don’t.


“If you step back from the awfulness, it’s a fascinating experiment to see unfold.”

Brilliant idea all around…but there IS a distinction we can make, Josh: the test subjects in the Milgram experiment were innocent. They weren’t being told what they wanted to hear, i.e., “turn up the juice…he’s not smoking yet.” They were being asked to go against their better judgment, exhibiting stoicism in some cases as a way of removing themselves from what they were being asked to do or in other cases showing discomfort and emotional turmoil in the face of the consequences of their actions. Yes, they kept doing it and that certainly says something about human nature and was perhaps reflective of the then-current state of society, i.e., one might argue that folks in the 50’s were far more “respectful”, or at least showed more obeisance in the face of authority, than folks do now (it would be interesting to see how the experiment or a similar one plays out now in comparison). Maybe there are arguments that it was tapping into some hideous, subconscious, id-level of the psyche where repressed desires to inflict pain or be given permission to act out sadistic fantasies resides.

However, even if that is the case, I think there’s a different character to that than what we’re seeing from this Trump Experiment…which is to say, the Teatrolls are people who are hearing what they’ve actually WANTED to hear for a very long time and being given permission to say and do what they’ve wanted to say and do for a very long time. They have spent a long time CONSCIOUSLY desiring to say these things themselves and act upon these beliefs. Societal mores played a role of forcing them to repress these desires, but they were explicit, never far from the surface, perhaps not fully understood even by themselves but still accessible and present in the meta-cognitive sense (as opposed to fully subconscious).

What Trump is doing is not causing them discomfort or angst or forcing them to stoically endure an unpleasant task…none of that is present in their affect while they follow along. Rather, it is causing them GLEE. They are feeling that they have finally been freed from the confines of the societal mores that have so long forced them to repress these thoughts, desires and behaviors, which they believe are RIGHT (and that society’s mores have been wrong). Trump’s out of control whirlwind of extremist derp…AND THE MSM’S TACIT APPROVAL THEREOF…has given them permission to shuck those “repressive” societal mores and engage in a snowballing orgy of racist, xenophobic, nativist, Christo-fascist, bigotry and VIOLENT IDEATION, and the revelry will not end unless and until it is forced to do so.

These are people who, upon seeing the man in the booth writhe and twitch and beg for mercy, are now gleefully twisting the knobs to 11 WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO. The more writhing and twitching and begging for mercy, the more they want to twist the knob, and had there been three of them conducting the experiment beside each other, they’d be trying to out-do each other to see who could make the victim’s skin smoke first. The “experiment” now lives and has a life of its own, and the only way it stops is if we kill it.


It’s in the article.

She asked Trump if the ban would apply to Muslim-American military members returning from overseas.

“They’ll come home. And we have to be vigilant. And we have to take
care of the Muslims that are living here, but we have to be vigilant,”
Trump responded.

Guess they’ll just have to be careful going back across the border for a family vacation, huh?

And Trump’s supporters are like that slouched guy sitting next to him staring bleary-eyed down at the bar who every now and then will wake up and shout out, “Thash righ’ Donal’ you fucken tell ‘em–fucken lazy minor, minorit, minnotiries, fucken’ BLACKSH are ruinin’ thish country!!”


This doesn’t need much comment but it does appear ol’ Donnie is giving somebody the finger.

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pine: elaboration is for chumps. good management will sort out all those inconvenient details.

He really is just trolling us now, isn’t he? I mean, seriously…if he is sincere, he has a rotten brain, and really needs to seek professional help. It is my considered opinion that it’s “performance art” and a sop to Donny’s shriveled little ego. It’s a bit shocking that a mature man can still behave like a six-year old at the school playground, but that’s what I see when this evil man steps up to the podium. Part of me really wants to see him grab the GOP nom, and then go down in flames, but I worry that he would garner a lot of votes. I suspect the RNC will shut him out one way or the other, but what’s the alternative? Cruz?? Rubio??? I don’t think any of them can win enough electoral votes to get to the White House, but I’ve been proven wrong before.

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LOL…Trump’s got a Dirty Sanchez…

sniffit: as the kid says in game of thrones, “let him fly.”

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“I have Muslim friends, Greta, and they are wonderful people,” he
continued. “But there’s a tremendous section and cross-section of
Muslims living in our country who have tremendous animosity. We can’t
let this happen. We have a country to protect.”

Donnie, if Muslims are upset at you then you should examine what you are saying about them don’cha think? You have been continually bad mouthing all sorts of people and when you do that you piss them off, or haven’t you figured that out yet? Donnie, the only followers you have are dim bulb, unaware, ill informed people like yourself. Your “base” is limited in scope. And I might add brain power. From the beginning of our country freedom of religion has been a foundational principle. Our 1st international conflict was with Barbary pirates when Jefferson was President and Jefferson took pains to explain that it was NOT a war on Islam. Donnie, your followers are as ignorant of history as you are.

No I disagree. Trump is a dangerous xenophobic racist fuckwad bent on getting power. He has never worked “for” someone else. He thinks being President is a CEO business deal type situation in which he has all sorts of power. He approaches everything on the basis of “how will this make money for me” and not what is good for anyone else. originally I saw him out to burnish the family brand but he has morphed into a very dangerous demagogue very much like Hitler just before he was named Chancellor of Germany in 1933… Do we really want to fool around with that?

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I am not a bigot. "Some of my best friends are ____________. Fill in the blank.

Oh, white privilege. Where will it end?

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I didn’t watch the clip, but I find it quite ironic that Trump is talking to Greta about this. Sen. Joseph McCarthy came from her home town of Appleton, Wisc. He was one of her father’s closest friends (he was best man at her parents’ wedding.) I read that he actually lived with her parents when he was home from DC. (Interesting, this was on her Wiki page years ago, then removed, but most of it is back up there.) Her father, a judge, was a campaign strategist for McCarthy. I don’t care if he later broke with him, he had to have helped create “McCarthy”.

Greta’s family ties to McCarthy, and her deep (and continuing) ties to Scientology, really make me gag whenever I see her name brought up. It is fitting that she is on Fox, but disturbing that she is somehow considered a “respected” and “sane” voice over there.

Fox bitches about Trump doing this stupid shit. They are just mad he’s doing it before them.