So the capitalist Trump does like an African American, Islamic, convicted Rapist. Only if Tyson was a Latino
Yes. And to those who say friendship cannot be measured, Trump shows that it can be measured in the millions of dollars someone brings him.
Karl Weathers is a prince compared to Trump. He makes me smile. (Trump makes me throw up, um, my hands in despair.) Really enjoying this season of Fargo, by the way.
┛♪┓♪ “Memories…like the corners of my mind. / Misty water color memories…of the way we were…” ┛♪┗ ┛♪┗
And it was only this past September that The Donald said “I love the Muslims!” and that he’d consider a Muslim for a cabinet position in a Trump administration or even seriously consider having a Muslim as a running mate. No problemo’!
He’s said that he’ll win the “Mexican vote”…so the “Muslim vote” should be locked up now, huh?
Trump said that his proposed ban does not apply to those already in the country.
"But there’s a tremendous section and cross-section of Muslims living in our country who have tremendous animosity. We can’t let this happen. We have a country to protect."
Oh, there I go again, trying to make sense out of the vile pus that spews forth from this carbuncle on the ass of humanity.
Of course the tremendous cross-section of radicalized Christians living in this country who have tremendous animosity won’t be mentioned, because those dumbasses are Trump’s base.
“I have Muslim friends, Greta, and they are wonderful people,” he continued.
Oh well gee then, that makes it all OKey Dokey, right?
Condescending towards your “friends”? Self respecting people wouldn’t be your friends for long.
Donnie, if you really wanna be Big Dog, don’t throw gasoline on a fire. Xenophobia is not an attractive characteristic.
In the us there were 355 mass shootings. 2 by Muslims. Do the math.
Trump’s comment INCLUDED Muslim Americans.
He would keep AMERICANS who travel abroad out of AMERICA solely due to their religion.
If that does not sound like 1930’s Germany then I don’t know what else to say.
My brand new passport does not list my religion or ethnicity, thankfully.
Trump is a cancer in our politics, there’s no other way to say it. I would be interesting if in Trump’s background we could find a Muslim ancestor.
You nailed it. I think it’s also a big advantage that he uses a 3rd grade vocabulary so all his fans can understand him without having to think too hard. And he repeats everything. Over and over. Like they do in grade school to make kids memorize things.
We can only hope that the more degrading, hateful and ridiculous Trump sounds, the more Democrats will come out of the woodwork to vote.
If Trump is elected and sets up a camp like Manzanar for my fellow Americans who happen to be Muslim then I’m gonna demand to stay there as well even though I am not a Muslim.
What a hateful fuck Trump is.
Even if Trump is trolling the GOP and destroying them from within I still cannot stomach him. I don’t care any more. he’s evil, vile, bombastic and disgusting.
It’s not even science fiction, he’s blathering out pure fantasy.
& Fox continues to look up humanity’s asshole for news.
Let Tyson be Trump’s Rev Wright.
Every time The Rump speaks, I find myself faulting the terrorists for their crappy target selection.
Trump is Larry “Lonesome” Rhodes in the flesh. I so hope the end is the same. And I won’t shed a tear.
I doubt members of the filthy rich Bin Lauden family who lives in this country to escape the violence and oppression in their country have anything to fear. They can slip in and out whenever there is another terrorist attack in the West. Our Top 1% always protects them.
Indeed. He has ceased to be amusing.
That young couple should have been haunting him in IA or NH instead of attending Xmas parties. Makes you wonder how many Muslims work for Trump Enterprises. I’m sure The Donald hires cheap foreign labor wherever he can.
Attended a presentation by a Holocaust survivor and took a tour at the local Holocaust Museum yesterday. The American Jewish community are heartbroken at what they are seeing happen in this country. They’ve seen it all before.
The Aryan Nation planted so many seeds in our local communities before we entered WWII. Those seeds are beginning to bloom fully. It’s not pretty what Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh were doing in this country to advance the likes of Donald Trump and the Koch Brothers.
If we have to wait until Donald Trump figures out what the hell is going on, in this or any area, nothing will ever get done ever.