Discussion: Fox Host: Obama YouTube Interviews 'Beneath The Dignity Of The Office' (VIDEO)

Reaching out to a significant segment of the voting population that won’t tolerate the BS that Faux Noise spouts?


And smart.


“He’s got a good sense of humor, that’s a political asset, but it just seemed beneath the dignity of the office to be hanging out with some of these YouTubers,” he said.

Yes, everyone knows better than the President how he should reach out to communicate with the American people.
It would be beneath Obama’s dignity to sit down for an interview with a toady like Kurtz.


Hold on. I thought the President was uppity. Is this uppity? Also, does anyone else notice that desperation creeping into Kurtz’s face? That’s the face of someone who is waking up in hell, every damn day.


Beneath the diginity of the office??
I know a whole house full of those including a bunch of senators that have crucified the diginity of the office with just there mere presence of walking the hallways in our buildings and having an office door with there name on it… Plus we pay them to do it. That is what amazes me and hurts the most. we pay them to screw us and we provide them there retirement packages once the lies and deceptions come full circle every now and then.


If Fox Noise is saying sooo many bad things about the President’s appearance on youtube, it must be GREAT!!!


It’s only 9:00 a.m. and we already have the FOX asshole of the day. Lighten up, Asshole!

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After putting every R/W nut job on air, questioning the legitimacy of his presidency (birth certificate nonsense), calling him a racist (Glenn Beck) a terrorist sympathizer to a terrorist himself, etc., etc. Faux News does not have gravitas to broach the subject of the dignity of the office.


I’m also rather offended. TPM should treat the readers here with more dignity. Chumming the waters with the same old rancid, red meat only to see the expected feeding frenzy here is a total waste of time. Some idiot on Fox says something stupid. TPM spends the time to post it, and people here respond in the same old tired way. Predictable. And dull.

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Kurtz is not interesting. He just wishes folks would click on his YouTube offerings at 10% the rate of these three folks. Jealous and humorless is not a real good combination with inept.


Oh, how we long for the days when we had a President who respected the dignity of his office.



This coming from a man who was fired from The Daily Beast for “serial inaccuracy”, and a network that hired Sarah Palin as an analyst.


I’m pretty sure nothing would be more “beneath the dignity of the office” than Obama sitting down with Faux for an interview.

Kurtz is a Kunt…and Kelly’s a semi-sentient ventriloquist dummy with Roger Ailes elbow deep in her [you pick a hole].


“A Black man in the White House is just wrong.” ~ deciphered code


“Nope, no weapons of mass destruction here, either.”


Pay no mind. Just Rupert and Roger Howie doing his best to gin up a little of that good old 1990’s “he trashed the place and its not his place” Villager MSM pearl-clutching scandalized feeling over how undignified Those Awful People have been in advance of the 2016 savagery.


No he is showing his understanding of how media now works. What would be beneath the dignity of the office of President would be to do an interview on FOX News.


this guy has been a joke for years. married to a right wing flak, juggling conflicts of interest w/o recognition they existed, and now working for Faux News. Mr. Sherry Annis is someone is the last person who should offer an opinion here. I could argue that talking to faux News is far more degrading to the Presidency than doing something with Youtubers.


Seems like it is just using a different media outlet. Who cares?

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You know as a child he was thumped good on the playground.

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Now watch this shot…