Sure it is. It’s perianal hair, silly.
I prefer ‘DRAMA QUEENS’…The Republican’s DEBATE CLUB seems to a FLUFFY-FEATHER up their butts…Specil people deserve special treatment. DON’T YA KNOW! ! !
I agree. As David Letterman stated so many times regarding the freezing temperatures inside the Ed Sullivan Theatre: "It keeps the comedy fresh."
Alas. Another missed opportunity.
I am starting to believe that the powers that be set up the Whiners Syndicate in order to trim the field. That is the reason that Fox and other outlets are heaping so much scorn on the whiners. Not that the crybabies do not deserve it. Do they really think that Putin or Netanyahu or the Taliban are going to be fair with them?
Yeah, what’s next, bowls of only red M&M’s?
And then there’s that first time they get briefed by the FBI CIA and Chiefs of Staff and go OHHHHH SHIT . This ain’t going to be as easy as Obama made it look
I can’t help but think that Fox News is mocking these GOP debate demands to deflect some of the blame away from itself for enabling this kind of madness to happen in the first place.
Well, I was sort of hoping “The Media™” - specifically, journalists within The Media™ - would rise up and tell the GOP candidates to kindly fuck off. Debates are about informing the public, not about addressing every child-like whine from the candidates or protecting them from “gotcha” questions (“How does the math work on your tax plan?” GOTCHA!).
I do not understand why CNBC didn’t call Trump’s bluff on the last debate. Max 2 hours or Trump doesn’t show? FINE! Don’t show up you dipshit, all of your competitors will then get extra time while you get nothing.
Anyway, I’m a little disappointed that it’s Fox “News” “journalists” that are pushing back. Is there some vestigial coccyx of journalistic integrity at Fox? My guess is that no, there is not, they just have the same inflated ego as their ideological counterparts and are knee-jerk reacting to being told what to do by Donald Trump.
I do enjoy the circular firing squad aspect. And meanwhile Hillary and Bernie and That Other Guy are going about their bidness, explaining their policy positions to voters.
Rightwing media DEPENDS on a Dem in the White House.
This is their playbook.
Build up the base - yet feign disappointment and slowly breed apathy before voting happens.
-(though looking at this gop prez group, ‘feigning’ disappointment probably comes very easy)
Ratings are their end game. Nothing more, nothing less. Know this.
And a Dem strawman (strawperson) in the WH makes their job of pandering to the base easy - and keeps ratings existent.
All of them; from most on FoxNews to Limbaugh to Beck will turn on the gop candidates slowly and strategically to grow apathy among their fans - with the end-game being nothing more than an outrage-target in the White House… for their daily programming agenda.
Of course, I assume this is being done on purpose - but it’s totally likely it’s being done subconsciously by some involved. Their ‘being’ knows how their bread is buttered and the mind is a complex thing that’ll find ways to keep that buttered bread coming in the easiest way possible.
But, yeah… uh… back on topic; This is to be expected. It’s nothing new.
Of course they’re being mocked.
They are mock-candidates after all.
J. Lo is notorious for being a diva and she does in fact demand all the white things Fauxbabe mentioned.
The main difference: J. Lo has a big ass. These guys ARE the big ass.