Discussion: Fox Host Jokes About Ray Rice Video: ‘The Message Is Take The Stairs’ (VIDEO)

Good thing there’s different rules for the Right people.

Race Baiting 101 - So what FOX is telling there viewers is this kind of violence is normal behavior for african americans.

High chairs. Got that part right.

There is nothing as pathetic as this kind of display. Roger Ailes masturbates to F and F right after he takes his rat serum.

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Also the essence of football.


I can’t wait to see them yukking it up on The Five.

PLEASE let this moment be the cold open on this season of Saturday Night Live. It deserves it.

Of course Mr Kilmeade, domestic violence is acceptable and something to joke about…right?
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume Mr Kilmeade is married. A stretch I know but bear with me. Mr Kilmeade I hope your wife was watching. And I hope you stop on the way home to buy some body armor.

Yes, he has a lot of class. It is all low.


If Brian Kilmeade’s IQ were suddenly to triple, it would still be in the low double digits.

On a program—and a network—where stupidity is a road to advancement and promotion, Kilmeade’s general level of idiocy is held up as a beacon for others to follow like lemmings rushing to the sea.

One gets the distinct impression that ole Brian spent a lot of years in 4th grade—usually with a wedgie.

So if Brian Kilmeade were to be gang-raped in a prison shower would the message be, “Keep your soap on a rope?”

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Faux rhymes with caulks and Kilmeade rhymes with douchy.

Wow, I can’t even be mad. This is a 4chan-grade ear stunner.

Actually, I hope he doesn’t.

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Haha, haha, haha. Wouldn’t the NRA version of the message be the woman should carry?

For sure Fox has done much to degrade the level of discourse. I simply don’t understand the choice to watch it.

The Five what?