Discussion: Fox Host: 'Is It Time To Re-Think Immigration Policies' After Paris Attack? (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #231896

“But there is a species of the religion that has gone completely off the rails, and until you say that out loud, it’s kind of hard to address it.” I’d agree with Tucker Carlson if he were willing to apply his statement to fundamentalist Christianity.


If Tucker Carlson, BA Trinity, and his friends The Two Hairdos know so much about geopolitics why isn’t the State Dept., the NSC or even the UN scooping them up to help straighten out word affairs? Is it because sitting on a comfy sofa is so less difficult than actually DOING something?


I know I don’t have to say this here, but they don’t know a damn thing about geopolitics. If they did, they’d know that the reason France has so many Muslims from North Africa is not because of PC “multiculturalism” but a legacy of its desperate attempt to hold on to its colonies - they declared Algeria an integral part of France, rather than an overseas territory or colony like all the others, so for a long time there was no restriction on moving back and forth. Likewise, the reason there are so many in Germany is because they wanted a source of cheap labor, and Turks were their Mexicans.

What Tucker & co. ascribe to liberal soft-headedness, is entirely rooted in cold-blooded capitalist/imperialist motives from decades ago.


We who know a few things could’ve told those who nothing a few things.

Yes, but would it matter? Therein lies the true problem.

thank you…

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I’m sorry. I must have missed the asterisk in the famous passage from “The New Colossus” on Lady Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free …
*** Unless you happen to be a Muslim
* … cuz you’re obviously a blood-thirsty terrorist."*

may I remind the three bubbleheads that one of the heroes of these attacks is young Muslim Malian immigrant.

there are historical reasons for the large Muslim community in France…of course that would require a passing knowledge of French history…which is obviously lacking at FOX

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That’s meant for FOX rube consumption. Tucker isn’t a stupid guy. Le Pen’s been carping on the same thing for years…In France. He party runs on the idea. In Germany there have been anti-immigration marches for years. The Dutch moved Right on the issue with Wilders as have other countries.

I can’t see any reason for Tucker yakking this crap other than to advance himself a thinker on the issue. On FOX you can get away with being thought a thinker when you spew decades old bunk from others.

What does immigration policy have to do with it ? The killers are all French born.

Boycott Carlson’s Swanson Food products.


I like your phrase “the three bubbleheads.” It actually could apply to many FOX programs - 2 suits with a blonde in the middle, always in the same poses.

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It’s not exactly in point, but I was watching France 24 earlier today, while they were covering the march in Paris. One of the commentators mentioned that she had spoken to a prominent rabbi who was close to one of the hostages killed at the kosher market. The rabbi marched today hand in hand with an imam, and said that it was very important that he do so.

We–and the French, and all of the “western” world–need more of that spirit. And less of Fox News.


Does Tucker, in his babbling about French Immigration and anti-Muslim attitude realize that the three men who carried out the carnage in and around Paris this week were all born and grew up in PARIS, FRANCE??? Yes, one was black and the other two were from a family that had emigrated from North Africa,but the men were FRENCH CITIZENS. It’s not like they were Martians, Tucker. Jeebers Tucker, I thought you were smarter than this.


Is it time to re-think immigration policies in Europe…

Well, I can tell you it isn’t time to re-think my FOX News watching policies.

Fox News announced today that it was changing its policy and will henceforth require that anyone acting as a host on any of its programs actually have a functioning brain and pass a written test demonstrating their ability to make reasoned arguments. Further, any evidence of having created “strawmen” as a tool for debate will be disqualified.

Rupert Murdoch reported a first quarter write-off of $12 million to cover severance costs for every member of the current Fox on-air staff. Sean Hannity, unable to comprehend exactly why he had been fired, has been circling the Fox office front lobby for five hours, sobbing and moaning.

Whatever the question, these bozos come up with the same silly knee-jerk answers.

Gee Tucker, I wonder if the Colorado Springs bombing of NAACP office leads you to the same kind of analysis, Is it time to rethink Immigration Policies regarding extreme fundamentalist (so-called) Christianists?

"Will someone somewhere make the obvious point that perhaps France is having these problems because it has the largest Muslim population in Europe as a result of its immigration policies?" he asked. "Is it time to re-think immigration policies in Europe and, by the way, also here in North America, to pay attention to the country of origin?

It’s time to rethink our foreign policies and starting with our support for Israel and its ever-expanding so-called boundaries and moving on to acceptance of the fact that we are not going to control the middle east. That’s what I think.