Discussion: Fox Host: Inappropriate Selfies Happen Because 'The President Does It'

Discussion for article #234841

Sheesh, TPM, get the name of the show right. It’s “Outdumbered.”


Jesus, did somebody declare this “Be Depressed and Reconcile Yourself to the Doom of the Republic, for a Third of Our Voters are Literally Insane” Day? Was it Obama? Thanks, Obama!


OBUMMer is ALso responSIBLE for the SExting!1!!1!!one!1!11!


These House Blacks on FOX will ALL be out of a job when Obama is no longer President. I hope they enjoy their 10mins of fame.


Yup. They’ll no longer be useful at all.


You’ve got a, you’ve got on a weekend we’re talking Islamic State, we’re talking all sorts of things, and you’ve got a President with a selfie stick that’s as tall as I am taking pictures of 'I can’t get my hand in the cookie jar.

What the hell does that even mean? She makes Palin seem eloquent. Well, not really but you get what I’m sayin’.


If only President Obama had half the influence and power they think he does.


Do the folks at Fox not understand irony?
Willful stupidity makes me want to throw heavy objects at the TV but thankfully my TV is turned off at the moment and I refuse to toss my laptop.
I spent my career doing science and cultivating a disciplined way of thinking. Out numbered is the title of the show? OOKAY why the heavy emphasis on being a victim? And why the extolling of outright stupidity?


Let me get this straight…

A group (American racists) have made an art form of concocting new and inventive ways to disparage an African American President who has not uttered a word against them…all because he is African American.

And then appear remarkable individuals of the same group as this President–and then decide that these racists need THEIR help.


One can only speculate that with Harris Faulkner being an airhead, her politically motivated, inane comments were fed to her by her Fox News superiors purely in the interest of spreading propaganda. But for Fox News, that is their modus operandi.

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So someone takes a selfie with a burning building as backdrop and it’s President Obama’s fault because he did a video to promote signing up for healthcare?


Ya know for the past few years I’ve heard the president being blamed for all sorts of dumb shit but this one takes the cake.
Do these FOX hosts actually think that the people that took the pics thought beforehand :
“should we did this?”
“nah, let’s not. It’s tacky”
but the president did it."
“good point. Ok”


And by the way, if she had watched the video of the president, she would know that he did not use the selfie to take a picture of himself with the cookie and the milk. In fact, she seems to miss the whole point of the video and why it was done.

I shouldn’t be surprised; after all she’s painfully contorting herself into a pretzel just to blame Obama for what someone else did. Thanks Obama.


I went to Auschwitz some years ago. I went to see it, but also to say Kaddish (the Jewish prayer for the dead). It was my way of putting a thumb in Hitler’s eye. I did not take my camera the day we went to Auschwitz. But I could see taking a selfie there in a respectful way that acknowledges what happened at that place, and the effect that witnessing the locale had on the taker.

As to the absurdity of the statement quoted, that speaks for itself.


In Fox land that passes as eloquence. Logic is just a waste of air. And thinking before one speaks is for children and puppies.


How about the irony of morons on Fux talking about a low bar…


Throw enough money at some people and they’ll do any damned thing.


I’m surprised she didn’t blame Obama for WW2. Because ya know FDR was a …a a… democrat too! Points finger as hair explodes in flames.

I tried to be as nonsensical as she is… I just can’t pull it off… (walks away dejected)


This is skewed by the fact that fully 70% of the voters in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Cackalackey are insane.


It appears that being stupid is something of which to be very proud.

I hope that in my next life, I am born to parent(s) who place a high value on education and critical thinking.