Discussion: Fox Guest: Why Won't Obama Label Paris Attack 'Islamic Terrorism'?

Why won’t Jonah call the NAACP office bombing Tea Bagger terrorism?


Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!

Still am anyway.

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Using the Rethug’s logic [?]… every single time they say something negative… it’s either racist, misogynist, homophobic or xenophobic then.

As the article makes clear, it has not been confirmed who the gunmen were, regardless of circumstantial indications. What possible advantage could there be in having the President speak off the cuff, without the benefit of actual intelligence? So Obama is not reckless enough to suit Jonah Goldberg? Oh dear!

Just waiting for some dumb Fox news guest to blame the Paris attack on Obama.

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I was expecting Goldberg to attack John Kerry. God forbid Kerry spoke in French and English to show support for the French people in response to this attack.

These fuckers make me want to puke.

Why won’t conservatives stop using the same worn out talking points?

Why? For the same reason Clinton didn’t jump the gun on the Okla. bombing and I think a lesson has been learned from the Benghazi faux scandal that it’s wise to let some real investigation take place before having any administration official comment. Smart move which the wingnuts won’t mirror.

At least this POS does recognize that Obama did describe the attack as terrorism. But even that beard won’t bring Jonah Goldberg up to/down to the incompetence level of Chuck Todd.

Surprisingly, no one else has yet mentioned it, so I will. Benghazi. Benghazi. Fast and furious. Whitewater (for some reason, the R’s never refer to Blackwater, and very annoyingly, us Dems don’t either, even though Eric Prince has decided to take his blood money and officially have his company leave the U.S. of A.).

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Someone should tell Mr. Goldberg that the killers call themselves “Islamic” but there is nothing Islamic about them. There is no need to call this Islamic Terrorism than there is to call it Christian terrorism when a nut bag domestic terrorist does it here. The Koran forbids these killings.

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Obama didn’t called the shitheel gooobers that took down the building in Oklahoma terrorists either,because he didn’t want to offend shitheel goober domestic terrorists.

It wasn’t just this moron. EVERYONE of Fox “news”–including the four bimbo on “Outnumberd” had the same meme. “The President didn’t say the word “terrorism” exactly when and how WE wanted him to–therefore–he’s a Muslim lover!!!” These people really are pathetic.

What Obama needs to do is label fox news a terrorist organization. All you people do is spread fear and hate through out this country. And by the way dip shit he did call them terrorist watch some real news for a while.

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Everything is an opportunity for your foolish consistencies, Goldberg.