Discussion: Fox Guest: There Are '19 Paramilitary Muslim Training Facilities In The U.S.'

Oh my. You just know these training centers are endless meetings and Power Point (with sound) and Six Sigma and “choose your new insurance plan,” and “we’ll be switching platforms and migrating servers Friday. We expect that to go seamlessly.”

The sooner we bomb these places, the better.


“There are exactly 57 card-carrying members of the Communist Party in the Department of Defense at this time!”


I just choked on my porridge. What the fuck is wrong with these people, what the fuck is wrong with Fox?


I seem to recall the politician who famously waved a piece of paper over his head claiming it named 207 communists who worked in our State Department.


First there is LaPierre, now Simmons.

How come the Waynes have the biggest kookfarts?

I blame Obama.



Fox’ reliable source— “someone” said there were 19 such camps…

Probably has a roster of Boy Scout camp where at least one of the scouts is named Abdul or something else foreign sounding.


But if he were a Republican secdef, he’d be all “We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.” And a reality-based news organization would nod gravely and say, “East, west, north and south. Sounds legit. Bombs away!”[quote=“Dr_Coyote, post:3, topic:15581”]
In a reality-based news organization, the host would have said, "All right, Mr Simmons. You’ve made this claim. Where are they located?


Tim Russert is dead.

But Luke Russert lives!

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This is all just part of them ramping up the terrorism fear in hopes it assists the GOP/Teatrolls in their bid to leverage defunding DHS into forcing Obama to back down on immigration.

“Fox Guest: There Are ‘19 Paramilitary Muslim Training Facilities’ In The U.S.”

And how many redneck Christian pseudo-militia weekend warrior daycamps are there? Someone want to call the Southern Poverty Law Center to find out? I bet if you exclude the ones that don’t even talk about a “race war”, there are still hundreds.


“You go in and you put razor wire around those no-go zones, you turn off the water and then as they come out you catalogue them. And that’s how you close these no-go zones.”

Or better yet, let’s just keep them in the camp and tattoo an ID number on their arms!!! Right???


***Checks internet to see how many Kinkos are still open.

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This reminds me of when the Militianoids were riding high about 18 years ago. They were bellowing that Big Bill had a network of secret concentration camps around the country run by FEMA, so they started listing them and taking pictures of these old WWII Japanese internment camps that hadn’t been used since '45, figuring we were too stupid to know the difference.

Along with that some of the locations on their list were even crazier. My fave was the ag extension office somewhere in Tennessee.


Only 19??? I figure they should have at least one in every state…What kind of half assed terrorist group are they?
hell…Open carry Texas can take care of 19 in no time!!! And what they don’t get, Cliven’s boys will clean up…


Only 19? That’s barely 1/10 the number of white supremacist paramilitary training facilities!



In the strawberry patches.

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Open Carry Texas IS the 19th!.

They’re based out of a Chili’s in Beaumont on BBQ Wings Night. Just look for the guy in the Banana Suit.



Is this being posted as “news” or snark/satire like Horowitz from the New Yorker? Leading with the headline and another by Josh leads people to believe this is a credible claim. Just like it’s OK to torture.

Nothing ever from Fox news should be presented as credible, without some investigative journalism to either explain or dispute.

Fox booker: You thought that last guy was an idiot? Wait 'till you see who I have lined up to replace him!