Rove bringing this up is perhaps one of the clearest signals that Christie is not running. Because there is absolutely no way republicans want to get into a medical records discussion with Christie having any chance of winning the nomination.
IF HillarY WOUld Just REleasE proof OF her LESbiaNISTIC PROcLIVIties, PERhaps COnservaTIves COuld STOP speCULating ON her DISdaIN for GOd-saNCtioned MAN on WOman LOVe!!!1111one!!11!!!
If youâve ever seen this guy before you already knew how much of a sleazebag he is. Sheâs not a candidate for public office right now. Sheâs a private citizen. Why would anyone suggest a private citizen make their health records public?
Good point.
Right, just like they believed Obama immediately after he released his birth certificate!
This is just another ploy to then accuse her of a conspiracy to âdoctorâ or somehow âfudgeâ the records.
I would strongly suggest that these fools are the real conspirators - trying desperately (and transparently) to mark their âopponentsâ with their own characteristics!
and who should feel a need to satisfy a âFox guestâsâ demands?? Mr. Blakeman has no track record of public service or accountability on anything.
bUT whAt rEaLLy iS tHE sCaNDal iS tHAt mOsT REpUBLicAnS cANt deCIDe wHAt tHEY wAnT tO FAP tO MoRE wHEn tHeY gET thE EViL LEZzBiAn EViDenCE â HUMA or HiLLArYâŚ
The cons are leaving brown racing stripes everywhere out of sheer panic that Hillary will be POTUS.
And they didnât bother questioning McCainâs bouts with cancer? And they donât know about health privacy rules? Just another case of throwing out sh*t to see what sticks. The Dems really need to call them on this and remind them of their blatant hypocrisy.
I am sure that Fox News could also end speculation and provide a complete inventory of happy endings Rupert Murdoch got from his masseuse. I also remember that Mitt Romney provided a complete summary of the extent to which he evaded taxes.
We must be vigilant. The Koch/Rove factions are already playing their endgame, trying to drum up support for Sanders and other third parties.
Itâs worked before (Anderson, Nader, Jackson). We canât let it happen this time. Thereâs too much as stake.
Rupert probably hasnât sported wood since Madonna was giving tugs to pay for studio time.
Has she declared a run?
dammit ya beat me too it lol
Mr Blakeman, based on your appearance on Fox, I have serious concerns about your mental health. May I see your medical records, please?
For the 8 years George W. Bush and Dick Cheney were president, we didnât get THEIR medical records and they were âpublic servantsâ.
Show me the âdry-drunkâsâ and the âwalking heart attackâsâ 8 years of medical records, including ALL conversations with their doctors and then we can talk.
Till then. STFU.
she will give you access her doc if you guys report to a psychiatrist and report the findings âŚbet ya wont do that will ya
In spite of the transparency of this rat-fucking ploy by Karl Rove, mainstream Republicans and their tea-party acolytes will rush to embrace it, because they donât care about anything but winning and if it requires full-faced lying and cheating, they will lie and cheat with gusto.
They should probably wait until she declares that she is running before they pick over her bones.
Iâll show Rove what a fucking traumatic brain injury feels like. Roger Ailes can find out too.