I’m sure he’s going to claim he thought she wasn’t a minor, because after all any sensible site that engaged in facilitating prostitution would check that kind of thing.
Some guys will do anything to qualify for a position in the Trump administration.
I hear his favorite “musician” is Ped Nugent.
Kind of elitist pinko commie egg head movie viewing for a Texas shit kicker, n’est pas? But those underage chicks really fall for guys who watch foreign films. His other online nickname is Pierrot.
See: Trump, Donald J
Perhaps he should have pursued this niche instead?
Just hope it doesn’t rain…
Sounds vaguely like one of those angry Incels, doesn’t he?
tRUmp’s member’s name is “Matango” :
Besides, 30 is the new 17.
Obviously a libturd ISIS Deep State plot hatched by gay lovers Obama and Soros to destroy the Jesus-ordained right of Americans to manufacture projectile weapons.
I’m just happy that his screen name wasn’t Jubei Yagyu , Ukyo or Haohmaru, because frankly, I’d like to have my good recollections not tainted by dumb s–.
That’s correct – the NRA were/are not happy with the 3D printed guns. They’ve been less strident in denouncing them than a lot of other initiatives – probably because that would be denouncing the “freedom” that is their usual fig-leaf – but have denounced them all the same. It’s been couched in terms of safety etcetera – what if the gun blows up in your face? Which, to be fair, is a very valid problem with these 3D printed guns!!
Damn, if convicted he’s not going to buy a gun. Good thing he knows how to print them out of plastic because metal detectors.
Yeah, the NRA and Gun makers don’t care if their products kill you and others by getting shot, but if it explodes in your hand that would be terrible.
edit: Biggest problem NRA would have with people making their own guns is these people wouldn’t give them the big bucks gun and ammo makers do. That would be the big drop in revenue they’d see.
You, Sir, are a true Scholar. And probably an effete liberal naddering nabob of negativism. Not only do you know Mexican Luchadores Enmascarados, but you are also an expert on Shoguns.
I blame my misguided video game playing yout for that.
Thanks. =)