Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI


But every time I read George Papadopoulos, I hear Nick Pappagiorgio.

Been trying to get that out of my head all morning.

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Papadopoulos lied to the FBI in January…when Trump made his first crude, vulgarian attempts to obstruct justice directly to the FBI Director.

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With apologies to Dylan and Hendrix …
“There’s too much collusion, I can’t get no covfefe”


I can’t wait to find out who indictment A is. Suuuuch suspense. Come on Mueller – make my Halloween!

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All of them, Katie.

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The stake-out watchers from the FBI will have long reports tomorrow morning.

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This captures how I feel this afternoon - like dancing. ‘Everybody Dance Now!’

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Like that sign on I-70 east of the Divide: “Truckers Don’t Be Fooled. You Are Not Down Yet.”

That was excellent, thanks.


Has this already been posted? If so, it’s enjoyable over & over:


Ok, I did not know this. It is in the last paragraph.



Papadopoulos forwarded one May 2016 email about this interest from the MFA to “three separate individuals who at the time were senior officials with the Campaign,”

Wait, don’t tell me. Not ONE of those three, when asked, told the truth about receiving or reading this e-mail, right??

Three more stooges to charge with PERJURY!


OT but it seems it might rain Friday and Saturday. Good for tamping down any remaining fire, but bad for fear of mudslides because so few trees left. Hope you and yours are safe and your property intact.

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Re Manafort. I remember at the time he was hired around July 2016, we were puzzled because he seemed to be an outsider with no experience running a presidential campaign. But it seems he was experienced in other ways. So orange moron knew just what he was doing, maybe for the first time, in hiring this guy.


This is good. Will have to spread it around.

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George Papadopoulos is having a Pap Smear done on his G-spot. Sad, I know. But I could not resist.

Try to resist in the future.

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Thanks so much. The weather the last few days has been cool, with a lot of moisture….heavy fog this morning….so everyone is resting easier. But yeah, lots of rain presents a different set of problems.

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besides, like a real repub would know who eustace tillly was - ha! that should be the clue right there for those who are not recognizing the parody

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