Discussion: Former Trump Adviser Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements To FBI

Okay WaPo confirms Mifsud:

In court filings, prosecutors quote from an email Papadopoulos sent to a campaign supervisor about his interactions with the professor in March. The email appears to match one described to The Washington Post in August in which Papadopoulos identified the professor with whom he met as Joseph Mifsud, the director of the London Academy of Diplomacy. The email was among more than 20,000 pages of documents the Trump campaign turned over to congressional committees after review by White House and defense lawyers.


And Stranger comes knocking.

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Thatā€™s what Watergate prosecutor Nick Ackerman keeps saying. Also, I canā€™t help but wonder why today? Why did Mueller release the info about George Papadopolous today? Heā€™s signaling something to someone.


Heā€™s signaling the White House that heā€™s got the goods on a whole lot of folks.

Releasing the plea deal on the heels of the Manafort/Gates indictments was as clear a signal as it is possible to make.


Better than the weather around here, Ghost. But only for a while.

Forecast says berry berry hot and verily verily cold. :wink:

Here is the breakout to new highs of Drumpfā€™s disapproval(62%) It does NOT include todayā€™s news:


If youā€™re Manafort youā€™re praying you donā€™t get pardoned because then youā€™re facing state charges. Iā€™d much rather go to federal prison than state.


Thank goodness thereā€™s no bold when texting


No, he hasnā€™t been sentenced yet and is most likely out on bail.

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my local champagne merchant would notice.


I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.
The shadows come to dance, my lord, dance my lord, dance my lord.
The shadows come to stay, my lord, stay my lord, stay my lord.
I know, I know, oh, oh, oh.

This is hilarious :joy:


It is now true that Trump could suck a black guyā€™s cock in the middle of Times Square and his popularity would not be dropping any faster than it is right now. 33% in Gallup today, only a third of the people in the country support him. Dangerous territory for Trump and those who stick with him.


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We know the Moron repeats the last person that talked to him.

eta: Those people can hardly be subtle.


Occasionally they made salad of Caesar.

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Iā€™d like to see Trump/Manafort in Rikerā€™s Island.


Sending two messages:

ā€œTime to make a dealā€ to Manafort
ā€œBe afraid, VERY afraidā€ to Trump

The second message is semi incidental at this point.
The first message is what itā€™s all about.

Manafortā€™s cooperation is Mullerā€™s most direct, most likely to succeed road to a Trump indictment.

And this is ALL about Trump. We have an illegitimate, unqualified, mentally ill sociopath in the White House who has broken many laws and is a dire and present danger to our democracy and the worldā€™s stability. Mueller has been handed the task of taking him out. All the Democrats and a significant number of republican (including, Iā€™ll bet, the majority of GOP legislators in DC) are routing for him to succeed.

The Trump Mafia must be lawyering up fast, if they havenā€™t done so already. My money says this creep is going down.