Discussion: Former Romney Aide To Challenge Sen. Elizabeth Warren

Lindstrom describes herself as an “independent-minded Republican”

Awe…isn’t that cute?


I don’t know much about her, but I suspect we will see a lot of “independent-minded” republican candidates next fall.


Can’t wait for Curt Schilling to cannonball into this race.

Beth Lindstrom

Though I’m asking for it, one can learn a lot from someone’s (now campaign, but previously private) Twitter feed.

The Groton resident served as director of consumer affairs under Romney and later headed the state lottery.

She also ran Scott Brown’s '10 campaign and ran a Charlie Baker PAC in '14.

Trying to figure out what her business Bomis does, but that’s for another time. Due to one of the Romney’s campaign gaffes, she was revealed as a Romney campaign donor…

He’s backing Shiva Ayyadurai

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Ayyadurai is notable for his controversial claim to be the “inventor of email”.

Oh look, someone else who beats a dead horse until both socks are bloody. No wonder Curt is backing the guy.

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Though I didn’t know dude’s name (or that he was married to Drescher), that e-mail claim reminded me that Techdirt got sued by him (thanks Peter Thiel), because of that.

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