Discussion: Former House Oversight Chair Says FBI Director 'Would Like To Indict' Clinton

The Castro Theater has that wonderful pipe organ! Many a nice memories from the Holidays throughout the years.

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I’m sure Director Comey would like to dunk on Issa. He’s 6’8".

All dogs look like their owners.


Can’t wait to hear Comey’s response to Darrell “Gone in 60 Seconds” Issa. . .


Might be more believable, Darrell, if you told us they were going after Condi Rice and Colin Powell too, who were also both “guilty” of directing their office e-mail to a non-governmental account.


The FBI should be targeting issa


Darrell Issa is a feckless, lying sonofabitch with no absolutely no worth as a congressman.

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And isn’t Issa, in Coulterian terms, “a Arab”? President Trump should deport him.


OMG! I read this too quickly and thought it said, “The FBI should be gassing Issa” which on further consideration doesn’t sound too bad.


Yes, but Issa does fuck goats.


Issa is jesus in Arabic. President Trump deportation policy would exclude jesus.

No he’s thinking about the FBI wanting to get him for breaking into cars and burning down his own business for the insurance.


True that may be, but cutting off the “I think” is pretty shitty, even for this site. I’m not even sure HuffPo would sink that low.

Breitbart (whose death improved the world) would do so. Maybe that’s why Marshall threw his hissy fit over people not observing the passing of that shit stain with sufficient…solemness.



I now return you to your regular blogging.


My best at the Castro was taking my kid brother to see Busby Berkeley’s “The Gang’s All Here” - he got laughing so hard he literally fell out of his seat. Until then, I’d always thought this was a figure of speech :o)


I am not seeing the big distinction. If Issa had said that “I think that the FBI Director should indict both Huma and Hillary,” you’d have a point. Instead, he said that “I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary,” which intimates that he has personal knowledge and that he knows that the FBI Director would like to indict Huma and Hillary and/or the Director has sufficient evidence to support an indictment. Words and how you use them matters. Republican guttersnipes like Issa know this better than anyone.

Ah gotta love the quantum reality the GOP continues to spin in it’s messaging. This is just red meat to the cognitive dissonance of the GOP voter. HRC better get off her ass and prove it false before it gains legs otherwise it will be the key topic of the pundit Sunday “news” shows since theres no football this weekend…

This is how these right wing bastards do their dirty business.

  1. Unsubstantiated rumor presented as fact.
  2. What was predicted doesn’t happen.
  3. Conspiracy theory about why it didn’t happen.

You can’t ignore a bully. You have to take them down fast.


…in your moist-dreams, Darryl Isis.

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The Republican party has had control of both houses of Congress since 2010 and they have yet to demonstrate that they know the first thing about governing. They spend their days investigating fictional crimes and defunding government services.