Let’s see, IIRC, the most recent claim of classified information on Clinton’s computer turned out to be a newspaper article which contained material that was later attempted to be classified.
This brouhaha probably has a lot more to do with overclassification than anything else.
And I hope to God that they never find any serious problem with how she used her email because they’ve cried wolf so many times that no one sane would even consider believing them.
Really. OT but are you feeling okay, thought you had something coming up this a.m. which was going to keep you out of commission and leave us here to our own devices
OT, LGB, but: My best experience at The Castro Theater was in late fall, 1989. My new friend, Robert bought tickets to “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.” Oh. My. God. I literally hurt laughing so much.
There is “no there there” Does anyone believe this woman would give classified information to anyone. I know the NYT and the GOPers so wanted to believe she was sending classified information to the Clintton Foundation for whatever the fuck they wee supposed to be doing with it The NYT should be ashamed of themselves,
Yes, today was a nurse-doctor visit day … three different ones. All is well. Still sore from surgery, but I’m sucking down Flexoril … a bit loopy, but still able to think.
There is a universe of difference between “FBI Director ‘Would Like To Indict’ Clinton” and Issa saying “I think the FBI director would like to indict both Huma and Hillary as we speak”.
If I were to say “I think Issa fucks goats” no responsible ‘journalist’ would use the headline “Issa fucks goats”.
You should be ashamed. Even for TPM this is a new low.