“I would only vote for Hillary in the event of a very close contest,” Humphrey told NBC News. “Meantime, I’m hoping the Republican leadership, at long, long last will show the courage and principal to denounce Trump and to demand he renounce the nomination or face a reconvening of the convention.”
any realistic chance of this happening? I await your opinions.
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I agree that if W makes a stink, the GOP will just pretend they never liked him anyway. That’s what they did when his popularity tanked in his second term.
Who is the biggest and best fish available (in terms of electoral impact among undecideds/unaffiliateds)?
I’m thinking possibly Jon Huntsman, or maybe Lindsey Graham. Or maybe Susan Collins or Lisa Murkowski. McCain is past his sell-by date, and too spineless.
I heard it would be Pence. But, dunno if that’s reliable. I’m curious to know this as well.
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Former GOP Sen. Says He May Vote For Clinton Over ‘Sociopath’ Trump
Put another way, former GOP Sen. says he may vote for ‘sociopath’ over Clinton.
Still, baby steps, I guess.
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Babies are vastly overrated.
Before we think about insulting GOP’ers who come over to our side and reject Trump?
My mama always used to say, “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.”
W and his father are both cowards. HW did nothing to stop Cheney. W, after he ruined the economy went into hiding.
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Will trumps wifey plagiarize another flotus speech?
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A reconvening of the convention? At what cost, and on whose dime?
No chance, but if it drains GOP coffers, I’m all for it.
“To imagine Trump in charge of our armed forces at a moment of crisis is frightening.”
This American patriot had Trump’s number from the start:
Maybe he can cite medical disqualification when he suddenly gets another bone spur.
That’s the part of this that I find hilarious. Trump would win again? He is what Republicans want. They just want him to be more subtle.
I think Graham is a real possibility, Murkowski would follow, but she wouldn’t go first.
Does that new poll showing Hillary with a 15 point lead in the Granite Head State have anything to do with that?
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I am ever more confirmed in my belief that Trump is a sociopath, without a conscience or feelings of guilt, shame or remorse.
Trump is a classic psychopath. The psychopath profile:
- no conscience
- no empathy
- pathological liar
- manipulative
- charming
- intuitive
- attention-seeking
- easily bored
- narcissistic
- turns very nasty when thwarted in any way
I’m getting tired of posting this, but, sadly, it never seems to go out of style as more and more people come to the same conclusion.
If Trump isn’t a classic psychopath, then he does an excellent job of playing one on TV. Personally, I don’t think he’s acting.
I really believe if not for one MAJOR consideration, all the Bush’s–two former presidents and Jeb and Barbara, the whole family, would come out for Hillary. The major factor preventing that–the career of Jeb’s son, 40 year old George Prescott Bush. He now serves as the elected Commissioner of the Texas General Land Office. I have to believe the Bush’s see him as the next Bush to be presidential timber. They can’t/won’t jeopardize/fatally damage his chances within the GOP by endorsing a Democrat for president. “Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.”
Graham would be a likely and solid get. Foreign policy is really important to him… Did he and Clinton get along in the Senate?
Related - I think Clinton will get a LOT done due to her ability to work with them. Sorry Obama. I do love you! Happy birthday!
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Oooohhh that is a really good point. No matter how dire the Trump situation, they will have to resume painting Hillary as a corrupt disaster after this in order to regain footing.
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I do think they can get trump to drop out,for the right price