Discussion for article #244930
“I’ve been drinking their water and bathing in it for years, including the last year and a half without a filter,” he said.
please proceed.
Bill Ballenger, a prominent conservative pundit and Flint resident…
Positive proof that the water supply is dangerously contaminated.
he drank the water, hence his IQ went down and he says this shit…ok, just more proof that the republican party cannot/will not govern in the name of the people…Corporate Malfeasance be Thy Name…this Snyder guy is presumed to be a Koch Puppet of the Nazi Family…
“anyway (he continued) it’s just a bunch of lazy Ni(CLANG!) welfare queens so who cares?”
Typical Republican response.
Sure is nice of him to take his hood and bedsheets off before he went on CNN.
“I’ve been drinking their water and bathing in it for years, including the last year and a half without a filter,”
This explains your lack intellectual capacity.
"The publicity about it is overblown. Look, there is a problem with the water in Flint, or there has been," Ballenger said.
He acknowledged that "mistakes were made" in Flint but said that the reports of lead contamination in the city has created "terrible publicity for Flint."
"It's vastly exaggerated," he said.
“I don’t hold with this sciency stuff”, he added. “And don’t get me started on climate change. It’s vastly exaggerated too.”
Lead poisoning is very easy to test for. There is no gray area here. Idiots like this must not be allowed to create one.
Claiming we should care about a government inflicting neurological damage on poor black children to save a hundred bucks a month is just PC nonsense.
Snyder and crew knew about this for over a year and dismissed it blaming the Mayor and others…
The class action suits are coming in now!
Old white conservative guy gets on news and declares science to be wrong. News at, who gives a fuck.
You’re a liar, sir.
I saw this on CNN this morning and thought surely this guy is a bought-and-paid-for mouthpiece of the Snyder administration. Jackass.
Lansing — Longtime Michigan political pundit Bill Ballenger was abruptly fired Wednesday from the publication he founded 29 years ago for dismissing the scientific severity of Flint’s lead-contamination water crisis.
Bill says, “Hell, they were just Democrats, poor and black. No big loss.”
Ballenger’s IQ is wandering into negative numbers here.
The poverty and civic abandonment is obvious in most every visual out of Flint as is the incompetence of the state’s alleged leaders.
Don’t be a wanker all your life , take a day off now and again . /s
He is already showing the results of the lead filled water. I doubt he has grandchildren whose IQ is already damaged for life.