Discussion for article #225986
“This is the greatest news ever.”
-Democratic Party
The Know Nothing Party is not being used currently.
Wait until these folks realize they are only being funded for their crazy because they keep the gullible in the party that helps the Rich get richer.
When Palin and Co. split the vote and endanger the wealth of the wealthy, they will be just more crazy poor people screaming conspiracies at each other.
“Let’s reinvent the way we lose elections.”
Democratically-Elected Republican Party - DERP! Or is that too “Third Way?”
I have given up on the GOP and am simply not sure it can ever be reformed.
Well at least we can all agree on this one point.
On please please please make it so.
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
YESSS!!! OH, YES!!! Please! Not Kidding! Go For It! Where do I sign a petition? Hell, I’ll even donate money! YAYYYYYYSS!
Seriously, I think this is what Cruz and the Koch brothers have been working towards, as they really, seriously think that a third conservative party could defeat the republicans. Yeah, I know, Looneytunes, but this would be the best possible thing that cold happen to the GOP. It would get the crazies out of their caucus, and they could then go back to compromising with the democrats and actually legislating, rather than pandering to the Bagro Brigade.
Hey, I wish them well in this. As does everyone in the republican party. Yes, they’re going to spend a few election cycles in the wilderness over this, but then, so did the democrats, and once they got rid of their zanies and returned to sanity, they recovered quite nicely. Let the madparty isolate and marginalize themselves, and they’ll dwindle from old age, dementia, and felony convictions.
“In terms of platform, Baldwin envisions one that “will unite conservatives, libertarians, the Christian Right, and the Tea Party movement.””
What about the other 80% of the country?
Go for it! Sarah Palin for President! She can shout at Putin across her back fence! Perfect!
One thing the party would need, he argues, is Sarah Palin, who has actually considered a third party herself.
Yes, the “Bullshit Møøse Party”
Is there an online petition somewhere?
We need to let these patriots know how much we need them to go through with this.
…and god, please, please, pleeeease send the fools funding Palin a sign that THIS IS YOUR WILL…
I love it when whining Republicans come up with wonderful ideas like these to help out progressives and liberals win more elections. Run Sarah, run!
Great news!!!
I will donate to the cause. Here is my can of tatter soup with macho woMAN Sarah on the label.
At least all the serious wacko jobs will be in the same box and easier to keep track of.
That is good. I think we could add “of water-boarding baptists. All hail the Moosiah.”
Let’s get it on.