Discussion: Former Bush DOJer John Yoo: Trump 'Reminds Me A Lot Of Early Mussolini'

And that’s coming from this guy.

It’s definitely Mussolini/Berlusconi combo.

This scum rented the hall, set the tables, provided the band and now does not like what the Party he whored for is serving at the banquet. The only answer is a large chair, duct tape, a funnel and a hose … Bon Apetite chuckles!!

John Yoo, who rationalized torture for the Bush-Cheney team, has a problem with Donald Trump. The weasels have started gnawing on each other.

Well, I think he is helping, despite earlier wrongdoings…

If you are a Republican or a conservative, you think that special prosecutors are unconstitutional,

Republicans in House of congress are greatly offended.

Interesting that esquire is blocked at my work. Does it have nudes?

Beavers don’t have any hair on their tails. It looks more like extensions
made from orangutan hair.

Well he did say early Mussolini and Donald is just talking about torturing. Maybe if Donald becomes President and starts the torture program back up he’ll be more like older Mussolini/Bush/Cheney.