exalted cyclops…hahahaha I wonder if he’s gonna meet another exalted cyclops from one of tha brothers in the shower…dont drop that soap…
Oh my goodness gracious. I’ve got an idea. Let’s start up a justice fund. First, our attorneys can work to free innocent people now on death row. When they are done with that, they can work to free those convicted for possession of pot. Then those convicted of small sales. Then, when they’ve completed their other work, they should get right on this case. The injustice is incomprehensible!
He’s gonna be tasting a lot of things that you and I wouldn’t consider food.
What’s an “African American uniform”?
Sad to see that bigots are not all old farts marinated in Fox piss.
Here’s hoping he gets his grits-chute Roto-Rootered by a 350-pound crack dealer named “LaSteve.”
He seems nice.
Confederate flag, noose or burning cross, there is no difference. Hateful people need to go.
I fail to understand people’s glee at the thought of prison rape. The guy is scum, but rape by other sociopaths is not, and should not be, part of the sentence.
You think that’s great, just imagine the props a rival prison gang member will get for shanking an exalted cyclops.
You want people to fear and respect you in prison? You go for the exalted cyclops on day one.
Good luck, Stevie Dinks!
My only genuine LOL in a long time! You win!
I don’t know what it is about white supremacists, but every one of them seems like the least likely advertisement for that position.
I thought that Johnny Roberts, Sammy Alito, Tony Scalia and Clarence Thomas all told us that racism was solved.
It may not do physical harm, but it can do a great deal of psychological harm. It’s a form of terrorism. I think he’s lucky he only got two years.
Probably right.