Discussion: Flynn Messaged Gaetz On Twitter Just Months Into Mueller Probe Cooperation

Silent Bob was lenient because he’s there to perform a white-wash. Remember, there’s NO Democrats involved at top levels in these “investigations” to keep them honest. It’s a GOP op all the way.

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Russia? Collusion? Fuggedaboutit!

Comey started investigating that issue about July 26, 2016. He was fired on May 9, 2017.
Ten months and he found nothing. He’s one of the most intelligent people to lead the FBI.
The only thing he was alarmed about were Hillary’s emails found on Weiner’s laptop after 3 months into his Russia investigation.
Weiner’s attorney notified the FBI of the emails at the end of September. Comey notified the public via Congress about a month later (about a week before the election) Never mind that an anonymous FBI insider told a Washington Post reporter that although there were too many to read them all, they had sorted them and concluded there was nothing new during the month before Comey’s memo to Congress.
Comey did not have Rosenstein skillfully guiding his investigation like Mueller. One can only conclude that Comey is a loyal patriot and that there was no collusion. Capisce?

Now go buy Comey’s book and we can all live happily ever after.

You maybe can detect that I’m being a tad bit sarcastic, no?


That came to light when Mueller indicted 17 Russians. The list of which Republican candidates that received Guccifer 2.0 dump of emails is varied, Gaetz and DeSantis are mentioned. I believe from the Googling I did the release was before the FL Republican primaries, so it’s hard to say who got info and used that info.


Scathing from someone who was recently on the inside. Barr’s Faux News escapades may have won him points with the Mad Dicktater, but I don’t think he did himself any favors with the occupants of the reality based community.

Also. Wow. Look at the “I Love Me” wall. Is this Barr’s or Graham’s? Someone has a really big ego. And that couch! Looks like it came from Maude Frickert’s estate sale.


So much for country and honor. If this POS made it to Lt General any lesser crook can make it this Army. Or Navy Ryan Zinke made it to Comander, or Marines John Kelly made it to full General .


If Lt. Calley had played it more low key, he’d be in the catbird seat today.


It’s telling that they’re vipers, but they also have yellow underbellies.


I was thinking about Calley last week after Trump pardoned an American soldier who committed war crimes against an Iraqi civilian.
If Fox and the wingnut industrial media complex existed then Calley would have been lionized, the victims blamed and the Napalm girl laughed at.


Addicted to Trump because Trump = power (for now). I can’t wait until this Trump night mare is over.


“Team Trump”

so, why is ted cruz photo-bombing the shot? (bottom left)

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What Government of the people, by the people, for the people? The whole damn bunch of them are grifters. They go to school to learn how to do this shit.

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Looking forward to your sentencing hearing with Judge Sullivan, traitor. I think you just eliminated any chance of avoiding the slammer. While you are receiving actual justice, the rest of us will also enjoy bonus ironic justice. Perhaps we’ll even celebrate by leading “Lock him up!” chants at some political gathering or other.


First date? They seem a bit uncomfortable, maybe a bit shy with each other.

Or are they sitting in a bordello? That room is over the top!


Self-righteousness born of greed.

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GOPers don’t respond to much, do they?
Not betwen themselves and certainly not to subpoenas that come their way.
I wish Nadler would quit being so damn nice about all those who ignore subpoenas.


This is my great hope - that GOP members of Congress and the NRA are named in forthcoming indictments.


Well, the Gaetz/Flynn connection is going to have legs… I’m betting that Gaetz acted as the intermediary between Flynn and Trump, to keep investigators from detecting it. There’s really no reason for Flynn to have been talking to a small-time grifting congresscritter from Florida except the nefarious.


Remember that Gaetz is also the one who tried to intimidate Cohen by threatening his family just before Cohen’s congressional testimony. He might be crazy and stupid enough to be doing all this on his own, but that plus the Guccifer 2.0 leaks seems enough to me to investigate whether he’s part of a conspiracy.

“China, if you have access to Twitter’s history databases…” :neutral_face:


Naw, remember that he had a phone call with Trump just before he launched against Cohen, likely the source of the Cohen dirt.


yeah, nobody ringing up the old ‘batshit-phone’ at stately Gaetz Manor is looking to order cupcakes. You are calling for an order of crazy with a side of criminal.