Discussion: FLOTUS Dismisses Birther Hubbub: 'Barack Has Answered Those Questions'

An amazing lady! Keep up the great work on the campaign trail.


If you missed it, do yourself a favor and just watch. Guaranteed Hair-On-Fire suppressant.



The fact that she never wore the hibby-jabby in public pretty much indicates how shitty at being a Muslim POTUS has been for the last 8 years.


POTUS shouldn’t have had to answer these questions.

And Trump needs to answer AND pay for the past 5 years of racist bullshit he’s gotten away with.




Michelle in 2024!


I want to know when Trump will issue a public apology to President Obama.

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She is probably the best surrogate HRC has because she is so well loved and can really get the message across


Te saludo, my friend

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That was incredible. She is such a great speaker and knows exactly how to reach the audience.


Michelle Rocks!

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Y lo mismo para ti mi amigo

That’s the second strong, smart black woman that’s dominated him this week. And with grace, tact, and class.

I half expect a tweet-fest in the middle of the night tonight from the clown.


Trump said next to nothing about birtherism. He said just enough to tell the racist base that he is still with them, and little enough so that the deplorable delusional mainstream enablers can rationalize voting for him. The correct way to handle this i dont know.

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And if he’s going to declare martial law, take all our guns away, and send everyone to a FEMA reeducation camp, I think he’s leaving it a bit late.

That would be awesome. And a bunch of people would collapse dead. People like Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy. A little thinning of the herd.

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Adorable FLOTUS gave an impressive speech for Hillary, what a woman !

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Today, I heard the Congressional Black Caucus demand that Trump apologize.

Please. Let’s not set the stage for his next indifferent show.

The racists and bigots who are Trump’s base are locked in now. They regard his birther surrender as merely his tactical ploy to get votes from the silly marks who want to believe his “word” (yet again).

By my recollection, Donald has never made a single remark disparaging the basis of his supporter’s racist beliefs. I don’t recall him or his son ever uttering the phrase we are all created equal. Oh sure, he doesn’t “endorse” his racist base. He’s not “asking” for their votes (wink, wink). He’s got them, and nothing he says is going to make them think bygones are gone.

The teaching of the Bible is we shall be judged by our actions. It is not sufficient to simply admit or confess sin. It is necessary to atone for it, to make amends, to make restitution, to actively reverse the damage one’s sin has done to another.

Apologizing to Obama would be grossly insufficient. The Bible says Trump should give Obama all that he has. He should buy a one-hour, prime-time slot on all tv channels, and sell as hard as he can the greatness of Obama to the entire world. He should give Obama his airplane, and after all that is done, Trump should fall down on his knees, and beg his God to have mercy on his decrepit soul.

Then, we’ll talk.

To make this right is the last thing Trump will ever do, because he isn’t the least bit sorry. Trump’s “art” allows, even mandates, that he strip away the dignity of his target, deny Obama the inalienable right to declare and define who he says he is. Obama shall be nothing more than what Trump and his racist, Republican cohorts allow him to be — foreign, because the black man has not danced to their satisfaction.

Trump doesn’t consider himself a racist, because he doesn’t consider any of this personal. He’s a sociopath. There is no “personal”. There’s only that which is Donald’s and that which Donald wants. The rest is all game, and all’s fair.

The thing is… the truth. Trump would never be the success he is, if he didn’t know what he was doing. His utilitarian application of dehumanizing racism was intentional, and Donald and his entire family is completely cognizant of the crowd it invites.

That’s his racist sin. The terrible truth… the truth Americans, Republicans, and conservatives don’t want to admit or face about Donald Trump.

He knows, and he doesn’t care.