Discussion for article #225314
"I'm shocked, very shocked," said Chery Mion, who lives in The Villages but works in a Fruitland Park gift shop next door to the mayor's office.
“I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that the Klan is still around.” Not quite subtle enough to be a real contender for the annual Captain Renault Memorial Gambling Awareness Prize. I still think Joni Ernst has it locked in.
What is stunning is that anyone in Florida thinks this way. I was under the impression that half of Floridians are KKK.
‘As recently as the 1960s, many in law enforcement in the South were members…’
The word ‘recent’ and the year ‘1960’ are non-sequitur in regard to the topic.
Particularly since the KKK’s history stretches back barely another hundred years.
KKK! We thought the tea party absorbed members of the KKK years ago.
I don’t know if that’s a good thing, or a very, very, very, very, very, VERY bad thing.
I would think the unbelievable, very loud and very ugly outrage that followed the election of a Black man as President, that continues to this day, might have tipped them off.
more than likely that the people they interviewed are members.
Those who live in the bedroom community, which is less than 10
percent black, have reacted not only with shock, but disgust that
officers could be involved with the Klan, the mayor said.
“Maybe I’m ignorant, but I didn’t realize that they still met and
organized and did that kind of thing,” said Michele Lange, a church
Yes, you are ignorant. There’s a town in my county that was long known as a “sundown town,” and the long-time justice of the peace there (until fairly recently) was widely rumored to be a klansman himself. No one who’s lived in that place for more than a few months could be unaware of this history.
“All that is required for evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.”
That is what happens when you are “shocked, shocked, I tell you.” that the KKK is still around.
Are you also “shocked” that the Neo-Nazi’s are still around (and growing) and the John Birch Society (now re-branded as the “Tea Party”) under the control and funding of the sons of the guy who founded it? (Koch Bros.)
Open your eyes. The memberships in Reich-Wing hate groups exploded when Obama was elected. It was no coincidence.
If you have to play dress up at the age of what, 40+ to hide your true hatefulness, maybe you do not belong here in America. We are changing and either change with or go away and quit believing yourselves to be above others.
Seriously, this surprises anyone?
I’m shocked that people are shocked.
The book mentioned, Devil In The Grove, is very good and I highly recommend it. It’s what really crystallized for me how, in spite of what people often say about “people in the North were racists too!”, the South was really fundamentally different, and deeply fucked up. It also becomes clear why Republicans were more or less in favor of civil rights through the 60s - it’s not good for business if your labor force gets massacred or flees from a crazed mob of psychos (of course, once basic civil rights were in place, it becomes bad for business for them to get so uppity that they expect to be more than field or factory workers).
And that sheriff, Willis McCall, stayed in office until 1972.