Discussion: Florida Governor To Put $25M Toward Developing Zika Vaccine

Yo yo Voldemort you’re yelling at the wrong house. It’s your house that doesn’t want wimmens having sex. It’s your house that thinks these babies are God’s gift. Oh and do we want to go back and talk about some Medicaid fraud?

Hate to break it to you, Rick, but Rethugliklans are in charge of the purse strings in Washington. It’s not like the ghoul good ol’ days when a certain Rethugliklan governor could call a certain older brother and swiftly secure truckloads of federal disaster relief, if you know what I mean.

There are paramount issues (Planned Parenthood, vacation schedules, email servers, donor outreach, etc.) that must be considered before the health of Floridians can be addressed. Besides, it’s not like the Zika epidemic has been declared a public health emergency or anything. Oh wait, bad example.

Nevertheless, in the meantime be assured that the Congressional leadership really feels for you and your state, and they promise to address your concerns at the appropriate time.

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