Discussion: Florida Gov. Refuses To Extend Voter Registration Deadline Over Hurricane

I don’t know why everyone always goes for Bat Boy in comparisons with Scott.

He always makes me think of Lex Luthor:

He’s a comic book villain who walks among us.


He can certainly ask the Secretary of State to extend the deadline. I imagine the Secretary of State could do that on their own initiative. Given Gov. Voldemort’s pretty definitive announcement I doubt that will happen now.

##seeyouincourt Guv.


Big deal. So, Trump will lose Florida by fewer votes than if registration had been extended.


I disagree, as this appears and has appeared all along to be mostly a coastal event, IOW water, that should take no longer than a day or so to cleanup. Offices are normally closed over the weekend so disruption is Thursday/Friday at most. OTOH if power outages and damage lasts more than the weekend it would be time to extend registration time a day for every day offices are not open.

As per usual the MSM (NBC, CBS, ABC especially) are trying to make the storm out to be world shattering for the US. Where the world has actually been shattered, per usual, those media types will just make passing references.

These fuckers are perfectly happy to expend taxpayer dollars in court defending indefensible voter suppression efforts. It’s a win-win for them. There’s the unlikely chance that they might win or at least get some sort of Solomonesque decision from a Bush appointee. If they lose, at least they’ve dragged their feet enough to throw a hurdle in the way the voter registration efforts. And then they can complain about the increasing cost of government.


Well of course he won’t.

After all, there’s an agenda to satisfy.


I dont see why not. Boards of Elections are State entities and I would assume the deadlines are set by their own regulations rather than by state legislators. I could be wrong 50X in each of the states but that is my guess.

Florida is one of the States where a lot of US citizens from Puerto Rico are recent arrivals and mostly (overwhelmingly) will not be voting for Donald Trump. Scott is playing the GOP standard issue card on voter registration in time for the Presidential: drag your feet, resist, ball-break, make them take you to court, drag your feet in implementing the consent decree you have to sign, resist, ball-break.

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This is exactly the kind of proactive, robust response I expect from you, Mateo. Instead of damned handwringing. I am confident Hill is on it.

It also is the kind of motivation which has steeled minorities (especially African Americans) for centuries. My Dad used it in the Military as a catapault.

So did I in my career.


Charlie Crist extended Election Day voting hours after machine irregularities and other problems surfaced in 2008.


Yeah, I was going near there too.
But hopefully this time (D)s don’t get steamrolled in state courts the way it occurred in 2000-- when Bush consigliere James Baker held the tiller tight through all the shoals until an ®-leaning SCOTUS could deliver the bloodless coup.



in contrast -

With Hurricane Matthew bearing down on the state of Florida, the decision was made to postpone Saturday’s game between LSU and Florida in Gainesville.

Unless Hurricane Matthew totally levels the entire state - they will find a way to make this up …

I disagree with your disagree . There was a lot of prep for this storm. It took me 3 days of moving shit getting gas for the generators and supplies as I have been through this before and it it ain’t no goddamn picnic being without power for 2 weeks. It totally disrupts your life and will take time to return to normal. If you notice the track , it may loop around for another visit. A few degrees to the west and this would have been a killer and it’s not over yet. It could do some major damage in north Florida and the Carolinas


“Everybody has had a lot of time to register,” Scott,
who chairs the pro-Donald Trump Rebuilding America Now PAC

"No conflict of interest here folks-- nothing to see.
Move along."



Rick “Skeletor” Scott hates the human race. That’s why he’s a die-hard republican.


Bilking Medicare for millions over years as head of HCA ranks pretty low also, too. But for Skeletor, it’s standard heartless republican business.


That’s not how registration drives work. Weekends are the best times to register voters,either through events, going to neighborhoods are visiting high traffic areas like parks…because people AREN’T at work. This weekend would normally be the biggest two days of voter registration in the state. Now, it won’t be because the most heavily populated areas of Florida are evacuated, without power, dealing with flood waters and cleaning up the wind damage.


Probably not. Republicans don’t have big voter registration drives as a general rule. They don’t WANT people to to be registered, let alone voting. I live in the panhandle, and have not seen or heard of a single GOP person or group registering anyone in the area, and we have been out here for several months.

Scott would say no no matter where the hurricane hit.


Surprising absolutely no one, Skeletor carries water for his dark master; The Orange Buffoon and engages in nakedly partisan voter suppression.
No News at 11 because Trump is Tweeting again!


Yeah Rick…the people of your state don’t have anything ELSE to worry about. You are truly a POS.

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Oh, nothing less.

Never let it be said that at the one time mother nature hands a governor an opportunity rise above him or herself and to shine in the eyes of the citizens, Rick Scott missed an opportunity to show, once again, that he is a loathsome, despicable puddle of pigshit who the voters of his fair state reelected knowing what he was.

But then again, to be fair, when Chris Christie met and passed that test, a test you truly have to go out of your way to fail, it ended up enraging Republicans nationally and destroyed his presidential aspirations.

Oh God, you don’t think Governor Luthor’s thinking of running for president, do you?


Even in human suffering and adversity, Rick Scott proves himself to be a jackass.