Discussion: Flight Delayed After Woman Brings An 'Emotional Support Squirrel' Onboard

We have nearly daily visits from squirrels in our backyard. They hang and chat with each other or run along the top of the fence.


Well a squirrel is a manageable size. My husband flew into Santa Fe once and while I was waiting for him a woman got off the plane (American Eagle - small small planes) with an emotional support dog as big as a Shetland pony.

All of us waiting said: What the fuck almost in unison when we saw her come down the steps with the horse she said was her emotional support dog, I found out that American had tried mightily to talk her out of it but she wasn’t going to budge. The flight was delayed leaving Dallas because of her. 'There was a cat on the plane too and the cat snarled and the dog barked the whole trip my husband said.

I would much rather sit next to a squirrel than a huge dog drooling all the way to Santa Fe.


Geez…what’s next? Squirrels on water skis?


Emotional support animals are used to help people with severe, crippling social anxiety disorders, whether induced by trauma or just due to organic mental disability, cope with daily life. Lot’s of vets who came back without a limb or two and brain trauma, people with PTSD, severely abused kids.

Listening to the griping and snickering here is like listening to Republicans gripe about handicapped parking places or people in wheel chairs thinking they’re entitled to access to buildings.

Yeah, lots of people abuse handcapped stickers. Should we abolish them?


What’s next: Squirrels on Mars, bitchez!


I thought this Cole classic was in the dustbin of history, glad to see it’s not.


I was on a flight that encountered tremendous turbulence, just insane. It felt like someone was grabbing the plane and just periodically giving it a shake like a bottle of ketchup, and after every knock you could just hear everyone inhaling sharply, and going “whooooooahh”… There was a mentally challenged man on the flight, that was yelling and crying, no one could calm him down. It was all quite nerve-wracking.

Right behind me was a blind person with their service dog. At the height of this thrashing, I felt something at my feet and looked down to see the head of this service dog poking out under my seat. I reached down to stroke its head and it clambered up a bit more, clearly scared as hell. We comforted each other during that flight, he enjoyed the calming head scritches, I enjoyed the warm touch of a furry dog. We were both comfort animals that trip.

A squirrel? Probably would not have been much help. I would have crushed it like Lennie in Grapes of Wrath.


I have nearly daily visits from them in my backyard too. They scarf down 90% of the contents of my bird feeder and pick and eat all the leaves off my potted basil.

My cat insists she could put an end to their depredations once and for all if only I’d let her at 'em. But then, she thinks she could kick the ass of the giant raccoon who takes the bird feeder raiding night shift too.


Full disclosure - I’ve met Twiggy. The Twigster is a fine upstanding citizen who travels the country teaching young impressionable minds about the importance of water safety. Also can do a pretty fair half-gainer.


I blame Kathy Bates…


I’d love to put in a bird feeder because we see so many flitting from tree to tree, but I know it would attract all the wrong elements including the racoons at night.

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The TSA wouldn’t let me on with my camel …

They just couldn’t get over the hump ----


Of course not. But you shouldn’t be able to print out your own.


I bet if that squirrel had instead been a heavily bearded circus dwarf things would have turned out a lot different.


It was only Tuesday.



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No, of course not. I understand their use. Maybe I’ve just been out of the loop, but it just seems that they are all over the place now. New laws? New AMA guidelines? I don’t know, I’m trying to understand. And my only direct example is this friend’s daughter, and my friend is equally perplexed.

Is it like medical marijuana scripts in CA before it was fully legalized? You just have to know the right doctor?

Like I said, I’m probably entering my grumpy old man stage, and these things are foreign to me. I’m just trying to understand.



How the fuck did a squirrel get past TSA?

I realize they are not supposed to make judgements on so called ‘support animals’, but they should at least know the rules for every airline.

And besides, this a rat with a tail.

Finally, airlines are cracking down.

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Then there are the starlings that some Shakespeare nut released in Central Park.