Discussion: Flake Flexes Anti-Trump Muscle In Holding Up Judicial Nominee

Actions speak louder than words. Senator Flake finally appears to have grown the spine to oppose The Tangerine Terror. Let’s hope this lasts.


Actions! Hooray!

More please, Senator.


I’m not holding my breath.


Good move. Too late. He should change parties until the end of his term.


I don’t remember Isakson being upset with McConnell when he prevented the vote on Merrick


“It’s an indiscriminate, irresponsible use of a privilege of the Senate.”

This accounts for 90% of Senate activity.


Isakson on Tuesday expressed anger about the move to RollCall: “[Flake] has no reason for her not to go forward,” he said, after telling the publication he “confronted” Flake about the hold. “It’s an indiscriminate, irresponsible use of a privilege of the Senate.”

I wonder what he said to Gardner.


“[Flake] has no reason for her not to go forward,” he said, after telling the publication he “confronted” Flake about the hold. “It’s an indiscriminate, irresponsible use of a privilege of the Senate.”

Only McTurtle has the right to do this.


Not acting as a party-line rubber stamp? How courageous.

But alas the article seems to suggest that as soon as he gets whatever undisclosed things he wants, he’ll be back to normal.


How long til we get fawning “Preznit ‘Maverick’ Flake” articles?


Flake Flexes Anti-Trump Muscle In Holding Up Judicial Nominee

Jeff’s got a lot more working out to do before we can refer to “anti-Trump muscle.”


He will reverse his position sooner than later…thanks for the gesture though…does he have a book coming out or something.?.

Before you give the soon-to-be retired Flake too much credit …

He’s just trying to raise his profile. Like his fellow Arizonan, he’s just trying to polish his “Maverick Myth.”
Still, a turd is still a turd.


I’ll never claim to understand the quaint rules of the Senate, but as long as they’re there, good on Flake for this for however long he keeps it up. And if his colleagues don’t like it, they should vote to abolish the “privilege”. But they won’t because there will be a time when they want to hold the country hostage, and that’s usually when a Democrat is President.


Apparently his “privilege” in this case is that he sits on the judiciary committee and his fellow republicans don’t have enough votes to pass nominees out without him. Because all the nominees are ones no democrat, i.e. sane person, would consider suitable for the bench.


The guy thinks he…can…be president - a ‘repentant’ repugnican party is his ONLY plausible path to a nomination.

He ain’t crossing the aisle any time soon, imho.


Well, Flake does have a spine. Twisted like a pretzel, but a spine.

Just ask any Arizonan about his “integrity”.

(No, Jeffy, you ain’t gonna be Prez in 2020. Nada possible.)

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Light has a piece (behind the TPM paywall) arguing that Flake really does care about increasing internet access in Cuba, and this is actually an attempt to leverage his power on appointments to moderate GOP pollicy on the island. Flake may be a Republican, and may be a self-promoter, but at least he is acting like a legislator rather than simply a gang member like most Republican senators are these days.


I’m boycotting any TPM stories about Flake, Collins, McCain, or Corker unless the headline is

"___________" Will Caucus With Democrats

SERIOUSLY?!? The thing that has Flake “bucking” Trump is faster internet access for Cuba.

Not the damage to public education done by the administration.
Not the ridiculousness of the HHS.
Not the corruption in and damage being done by the EPA.
Not the tearing apart of families at the border.
Not the US pulling out of the UN Human Rights Commission.
Not Trump’s plans for condos in North Korea.
Not the daily lies that come out of the White House.
Not the attempts to obstruct/influence/undermine the Mueller investigation.

Faster internet access for Cuba…

Are you fucking kidding me?

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