“Conscious of a Conservative”? I don’t think that’s quite right. “Subconscious of a Conservative” would be an interesting book title, though.
“On top of that one of the Jews in my Cabinet was threatening to quit because of Charlottesville but then he realized how cushy it is hanging around the WH is instead of on Wall St.”
Was channel surfing and came across this ‘leadership’ teacher/ordained minister interviewing Sasse, who was pushing his new book, The Vanishing American Adult. Sasse’s a well educated effective salesman who also happens to be a nut. Keep an eye on him.
And yeah, when did Cohen suddenly develop a conscience?
You know Ryan toured a Boeing plant in Seattle, spoke in complete sentences, deflected questions about PP diplomatically. and it’s thought to be the kind of thing someone with an eye on the WH would do. The D governor of the state also spoke favorably about Ryan.
Flake seems like a beaten dog, who,no matter the abuse he receives, goes whimpering back to his master to lick his hand.
Josh’s editor’s blog analyzes why PP does what he does and what the possible outcome could be. Members of his party have never seen such a destructive force actively trying to destroy it, and none of them are prepared to deal effectively with it. What does anyone from anywhere say to him to alter his behavior? Nothing, and nobody can.
“You see, Mr. President, a hurricane is a little like that swirly thingy in the black-and-white part of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ - well, actually, it’s the sepia part, but we don’t have 12 1/2 hours to try to explain to you what ‘sepia’ is - but anyway, it’s a lot like that big rotating sausage in ‘The Wizard of Oz’ but it’s, like, way biglier. And it’s got lots of rain in it, too”
Thanks for pointing out Josh’s editorial. I read it because you did.
I agree with it, although I don’t like the dire ending. I don’t really need to be reminded I’m in the path of destruction, but if that’s what will happen as he continues to implode, then so be it - I have no interest in stopping the implosion.
Flake is with Trumpp for as much as he can use him and knows how intently ignorant the Wall is so has no fear of disagreeing on that subject.
With any luck, these two will take each other out and AZ will get a rational Dem sans all walls.
This is doable.
Id-iot Conservative.
So, everyone who lives in the dragon’s cave with the dragon shrugs and says, 'not so bad, could use some sprucing up and sessions of ‘how to train your dragon.’ Unfortunately, everyone who lives in the big castle far away are trying to herd the virgins and want a blood sacrifice before they’re convinced.
it’s been finding other people to pick up the downside of his bad or failed investments and projects. Sometimes that process has simply been crafty and ingenious. Other times it’s amounted to criminal fraud.
One of Josh’s best blogs. Everything is upside down these days. But I also worry about the Democrats taking advantage of the chaos. If they miss this opportunity …
It seems to me that much of the news we get here is what Rs are up to whether through regurgitated CNN or Fox shows. There is in fact activity among Democrats in regards to at the very least actively recruiting women and people of color and ex-military to run. But none of it is nearly as titillating as what a wackadoodle said on Fox.
It’s hard to compete with ‘wackadoodle’. Save Us Mueller!
Diabolique on Turner in 5 minutes. Might have to watch just for the ending. Women empowerment at it’s best! Have a bodacious San Francisco weekend.
Room At The Top is going to be on TMC within the month. As much Signoret as anyone wants and needs.
Room At The Top on earlier tonight followed by Diabolique on TMC. Turner has too many old old movies but sometimes you get lucky. Couldn’t sit through Diabolique. Remember Room with Lawrence Harvey. He’s really good. Some old movies hold up but the rest, well, I always remember them as better than they were. ‘Romanticizing’ I think it’s called. Turner had Blowup on about two weeks ago. One of my top three favorites.
Before Room tonight Turner had Term of Trial with Lawrence Oliver, young Sarah Miles and a young Terence Stamp as a Rocker type wearing a leather jacket. Some people are just born that way (sigh). See ya around kid.
Missed recording Blowup, but I’m going to find it. I’ve recorded His Girl Friday, love the rapid fire conversation, love Cary Grant, probably my favorite actor of all time, bar none. You still on board with Mitchum?