The unexpected death of conservative Justice Antonin Scalia
Something that still makes my day.
GOP volunteer armed poll security forces seem a likely plan B.
Obese, elderly chain smokers don’t die unexpectedly.
the state is going to have to justify disenfranchising them,
They might not vote Republican.
This story is accompanied by pictures of the THREE STOOGES: what an unappetising trio!!!
There are other methods. For instance, they could send cops to African American’s homes and serve them with subpoenas to challenge their right to vote. Thankfully, in this post-racial society such Jim Crow tactics would never … oh, wait a minute.
Brava, Tierney Sneed.
We commenters often complain of lack of detail or an overarching narrative to articles hastily regurgitated from aggregated sources. This one was like a digest of a long-form piece-- and laid out several aspects for both the reader unaware of the topic in-depth-- and as a quickly consumable update for those who have been following it.
Give Tierney a thumbs up for her efforts, I did.
Pity the devil: he has to deal with Scalia for a long long time.
It is about damned time.
All thinking people need to know about these laws is this: mail-in absentee voter fraud is an order of magnitude (or two) more common than in-person voter fraud. None of these laws (not a single one!) addresses the problem of mail-in absentee voter fraud. Why? Because those votes break for the GOP.
I did point out that it was information thinking people would use. Clearly that exempts Republican state legislators.
Thanks for the timely summary, although I would’ve mentioned The Rump’s pre-complaint that the election will be rigged, made on behalf of the Republicans who’ve done all the rigging. I’d also like to add been good to add the story of the convicted Wisconsin felon who couldn’t Stand for Scott Walker often enough.
Mourning Joe was questioning Trumps sanity this morning saying "Oh Republicans need to withdraw their endorsements and worry about the down tickets Senate , House ,Governors (like the three stooges here),and State where “we” control everything.
Check, Joe because we need more bastions of sanity like Steve King and Chuck Grassley Sam Brownback etc
News flash Joe: Trump is your party without the dog whistle
"If there is a lesson in July’s voting rights revolution—six rulings in two weeks that invalidated key provisions of five states’ restrictive voting laws—it is this: The judges are fed up.
Mark Joseph Stern Mark Joseph Stern
Mark Joseph Stern is a writer for Slate. He covers the law and LGBTQ issues.
They are fed up with being treated like dolts by Republican legislators who lie through their teeth about the intent of draconian voting restrictions. They are fed up with brazen efforts to diminish minorities’ voting power by targeting and eliminating their preferred voting methods. And most of all, they are fed up with the pretext: The shameless insistence by GOP legislators that these explicitly partisan, outwardly race-based voting laws serve any purpose other than helping Republican legislators entrench their own political power."
It is and has been for quite some, very simple: Republicans cannot win votes, so they suppress them. Lincoln GAVE Blacks the vote. Today’s Republican Party has tried to take it from them. The Party of Lincoln is now the Party of Jim Crow.
If and when states appeal these cases to the Supreme Court in the immediate future – and especially before November’s election – it is expected that the court will be split four-four on ideological lines on voting issues.
Although clearly a GOP backer over his career, I think Roberts might be just smart enough to realize how his legacy might look to future historians and will not want to be the guy that oversaw the rollback of minority rights. He may have truly thought that rolling back the VRA provisions for pre-review was a harmless hack, but I think the evidence of all these new laws could convince him that he was wrong and persuade him to vote to strike them all down.
The switchboard at the Supreme Court building rang and the caller asked for Judge Scalia. When the operator informed the caller that Judge Scalia had passed the caller hung up. About two hours later again the switchboard received a call asking for Judge Scalia and again the operator informed the caller that the judge had passed away. Again the caller hung up. Another two hours passed, another call for Judge Scalia came in and again they were told of his death…and they hung up. Finally in the late afternoon another of these calls came in and the operator recognizing the voice said, ‘Sir, I recognize your voice, I’ve told you several times today that Antonin Scalia has died.’ ‘I know’, said the caller, ‘I just really like hearing you say it.’
It’s interesting to be currently reading Bloody Louden, a book that reviews the fight to regain voting privileges in central Alabama in the 60s. Blacks actually outnumbered whites and won a lot of elections after emancipation, until whites started taking their names off the rolls and using violence to keep them from voting.
Thanks for taking one for the team, Scalia. It turns out dying was more of a gift than we could even imagine.
I cannot help but think of the Thane of Cawdor whenever Scalia’s name comes up: “Nothing in his life…became him like the leaving it.”