Discussion: First Rule Of Palin Fight Club: You Do Not (Directly) Talk About Fight Club

Every time I see a picture of Sarah Palin or her darling, multi-talented spawn Brisket (you know, America’s Top Vestal Virgin, and the greatest ballroom dancer since the Baby Jeebus), I think of that famous line from the movie “Arthur”, spoken by the great John Gielgud: “Usually one must go to a bowling alley to find a woman of your stature.”


‘most of what the media reports about our family is garbage’? in the old IT days, there was a saying, ‘garbage in, garbage out’

Trash, the entire family is pure trash, but mostly Mama for pretending to be proud of her potty mouthed, violent kids. Yuk…what a disaster these people are!!!i

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Someone took a long piss in the Palin family gene pool.

Funny you don’t see the Biden family carrying on like that in public.

It makes me wonder however if the North Vietnamese returning McCain to the US wasn’t some sort of Manchurian sleeper cell move because Johnny has been doing his level best to destroy our freedum ever since. We have him to thank for the Wonders from Wasilla after all.

Well, the new/old saying for Tea baggers is: "hit and shoot first, and then, maybe, ask questions, later.

These folks are out of their minds.

She’s probably ticked that some other woman was wearing a knock-off from her RNC designer wardrobe, off the clearance rack at TJ Max.

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I wouldn’t mind seein her wearin orange and not in a TV show

well yes but Im white trash too the difference between me and the pailins is they should be taken somewhere ona barge and put in large dump me I should be recycled cause im just too good to use just once…lol

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Yep, Sarah - when your daughter committed that violent felony, she showed everyone just exactly what a PERFECT strong xtian she is and what a fabulous role model she is because ALL right wingers know for a fact that the commission of violent felonies is going to get them a really good job and future of riches beyond their wildest dreams because the republican party will be offering a huge multi-million dollar contract to the holiest and most pure revirgin on the planet any second now.

Whenever you don’t like someone or something someone said, just ball up your fist and punch them out over and over and over and over and over and over.

Holy holy holy

Mudflats is the best! Loved this bit:

The day after the incident occurred, Sarah tried to do damage control and got on Twitter claiming “I was traveling yesterday, so I’m posting Todd’s 50th birthday greeting a day late.” If by (air quotes) “traveling” she meant sitting in the back of a Hummer stretch limo sitting next to Todd and his bleeding nose, with her shirtless drunken son and his randy friends, her street fighting daughter and the rest of the intoxicated hoard, then yeah… she was “traveling.”

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Bristolnacht - another proud chapter in the history of the woman John McCain wanted to put a heartbeat away from the nuclear codes.


Bristol says the articles the press publishes about her family are “complete garbage.” What else would one expect from articles about some of the trashiest wealthy people I’ve heard of?

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Well, wellwellwell, she was fighting for Jeezus and stuff, you betcha!

And to think. All it would have taken was for McCrash to have one good scare.

The Queen of Quit was one cardiac arrest away from being the most powerful person on the planet.

“I love my Bristol!” Sarah Palin wrote in her Facebook post.
“We loved us some Bristol” Wasilla Varsity Football team on the bathroom wall.


But she was chaste while she was doing them! She kept her “Just My Size” thong on halfway.

Well, it’s the NY Post, but this is documented elsewhere, also too. Seems Bible Barbie’s not wearing her wedding ring after that holy donnybrook.

Dang! Quitterspanx looks like she just got a D & C with a narwhal tusk.

So, what kind of settlement you think Tahr-dd will get? Or will
Klondike Kardashian just promise not to throw any more canned hams?

I just hope to the Lawd no demon’s blood or beer spurted on their Bibles.

Them thar Palinists have incessantly hectored (and grifted) about the importance of a Gawdly way of life.

Even with their national fame fading like a pair of Walmart jeans in a bucket of Clorox, the grift can go on for decades! They haven’t even begun to tap the second string. I know of people who maintain their millionaire lifestyles just from appearances on local Christian talk shows, fundiegelical cable shows, and Amway rallies.

Even if she dumps Tahr-dd as I hear might happen, Lady Blah-Blah has years of the big con ahead of her.

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