Discussion: First Lady Calls On 'Both Sides' To Change Trump's Own Family Separation Policy

I won’t believe any statement from Melatonin unless it’s written phonetically in her accent.


I really think she’s gotten to the point where she has no more f*cks to give. And if it violates her prenup to Rump, so be it. I had heard a rumor a while back that she was very involved in an affair while Rump was doing his thing on the campaign trial. Pretty much an open secret on Fifth Avenue.


What the fuck? A statement Melania may or may not have said leads to the opportunity to trash a woman’s appearance. Is that the what the story means to you?


Didn’t she enter this country on a visa that expired at one point and had to be fixed?

Remember, these children are pawns. All trump cares about are two things:
1 winning. If it’s a deal making the other guy lose is a ‘win’. The subject matters not. Thos manufactured crisis is a way to get to #2 which is trump’s fucking wall.
Make the democrats concede the wall to reunite parents and kids. At least that is how I see his game plan And it pans out as a ‘win’.
The win is the essence of the man.
He is a man with a very very twisted personality disorder. He has no business being in any elected office. I hope to God he gets the legal shiv from Mueller or his foundation law suit or from the 8th amendment aspect of cruel and unusual punishment of migrant families.


She entered illegally on a visitor’s Visa and supposedly became a citizen at some time after that. And your point is?


Anyone who doesn’t see this as the desperate PR stunt it is is willfully falling under Trump’s spell.

They are getting crucified and know it and wound her up and sent her out with her little message. That’s what they’ve always used her for.


If you are so affected and care so much about a tragedy like this, and you have to have a spokesperson give your thoughts and opinions instead of saying it directly yourself, then you are either not affected and don’t really care about this tragedy, or are just letting someone else speak for you and use you as a political tool of your husband, Melanie.
And please, no one tell me that she is too busy helping the country to take time out from her busy schedule to comment on this matter personally. The entire statement sounds like it was dictated by Stephen Miller or someone else on Trump’s staff.


There’s going to be more of this as we barrel towards midterms, bothsiderism bullshit thrown out by the least atrocious woman associated with Dump. They’ll lie and gaslight and attempt to muddy the waters to confuse the idiots. Melania has gone full political whore with this whopper.


Yes. I guess it does. I am trashing her. Everuthing, her looks and all. She is an utter waste as a person and has done NOTHING as first lady.


You know as well as I do that when a woman we’ve agreed is not in our camp is the topic of a report it usually leads to over the top trashing of everything and anything about her with appearance being the easiest thing to do.


I was thinking of the privileged, captive lapdog nobles infantilized by Louis XIV, but Vichy works beautifully :smirk:


How dare you insinuate Melanie entered this country illegally! Why, she’s a “Genius”, remember?!


Not to worry. Tomorrow or the next day or the day after that another woman will be Topic A and you’ll be able to continue hating. Save some bile for that day.

Fresh from the success of her ‘no bullying online’ campaign, off to another adventure!

A pivot?

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I’m not insinuating. It’s a fact she entered illegally.

The New Yorker magazine, May 2016

Melania came to New York to work as a model. Through a quirk in immigration law, models, nearly half of them without high-school diplomas, are admitted on H-1B visas, as highly skilled workers, along with scientists and computer programmers, who are required to show proof of a college degree. Melania got her green card in 2001 and became a citizen five years later.


Faux compassion from the FLINO.
Melania also hates to see social media used for bullying, and yet she refuses to speak out against anyone in her family which routinely engages in this behavior.


Melanie is a nonentity in this whole sorry farce.

Nothing more needs to be said about her. I think she’s a good mother and she has been treated horribly, but if she thought it would be different with Trump as a husband, then she learned long ago that it wasn’t the case after the prenup was signed, and the ring was on her finger.

No wonder, however, that the story is that she cried when he won the election.


Don’t fall for this fake cry out about the horror being imposed on innocent children!

Melania is a plot being used by Trump to trick Dems into funding his wall!!! Don’t do it Dems!!! Don’t you dare give this beast a dime to build that damn wall!!!