Discussion: First Lady Breaks With Husband, Has Kind Words For LeBron James

I Don’t Really Care… Do you?


The thing to remember about Melania is that she’s a Trump by choice.

She married this guy, a guy with a decades-long reputation as a cheat, a liar, and a fraud…and a womanizer.

She was not a child, she was not naive. She’s not the innocent victim that the media portrays her as.

She’s every bit a snake as any of Trump’s blood offspring.

Please stop with the free pass.


Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the President, Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the President, Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the President, Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the President, Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the President, Melania Knauss Trump isn’t the Pres…


“… the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon,” Trump tweeted in a swipe at a news network he often derides. “He made Lebron look smart,”

Oh! He’s not just seeing them as people! He’s seeing them as CNN people. It’s the network affiliation that colors his thinking!

Thanks, AP, for slipping in the hidden prejudice that explains the president’s dispicable remarks. It’s the kind of insight we expect from our national wire service, and you never disappoint.


She was likely directed to say that because of the CD 12 election.

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See, the thing that bothers me about blurbs like this* is that MALARIA DID NOT SAY ANYTHING!!

This was a statement from a spokesperson, who is paid to calculate what would work best for her image. There is not one single indication in anything she personally has done or said that indicates that she does anything more than tell her PR person, “yah, dahlink, venn you t’ink issa good idea, put it out” and turn back to her nail stylist or roll over on the massage table.

After that jacket incident, the only thing that would turn her image around for me is when she would pack up her own Trump spawn, move back to Slovenia and change both of their names back to Knavs.

*other than why does TPM waste our time with this crapola???


Nice catch.

There’s no way the AP could have missed the dog-whistle.


My very first thought:
I recognize the yeoman’s work being done by her aides and staffers to produce anything - anything at all - suggesting that a meaningful image is taking shape, but it just it hasn’t been enough to make the current Mrs. Trump seem at all credible or relevant.The thin veil of smiling dark-eyed beauty and clothing rack fashion peddling is not cutting it for First Lady status in this day and time. At what point will she prove capable of delivering a comprehensible, well-thought out public statement under her own steam?
I worry as well about what effect life in the court of craziness is having on her young son. Surely he deserves better…

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Again, if her spokeswoman is saying something that sounds reasonable and appropriate, it is fluff carefully crafted by her staff and may or may not have anything to do with her personal views.

She is a complete and utter phony, a shell, a sham. Attempting to parse the statement to understand her “thinking” or to analyze her position on any issue is a waste of time. We pay a lot of money to prop up her East Wing office and expensive staff, so they have to have something to show for it every once in a while. What they eventually invent as Melania’s “statement” is useless.



“the importance of responsible online behavior”

Honey, look…

As long as you are married to…that thing…nobody will ever take you seriously about ending bullying.

You MARRIED a bully. You’re STILL married to him. He bullies someone EVERY SINGLE DAY.


I carry no brief for Ms. Knauss-Trump but it’s still interesting to watch her position herself for life after her husband has been impeached and incarcerated.

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Like hell she does. Melania is in this White House for one reason: To aid and abet Putin. I don’t believe a think her pr squad is putting out there. She wore the jacket; now she has to wear the shame.

No better than the treatment paid to those kids kidnapped and placed in Trump concentration camps. That kid knows where is parents are and I hope know what sinful things they are doing.

They just want to stay on her good side so they can get the first post-divorce interview. I imagine her tell-all is gonna be a doozy.

Melanie didn’t break with trump when Miss USA contestants said trump would force himself on them, she didn’t break from him when he would call in Howard Stern and allow herself to be objectified, she didn’t break from him with his birtherism and she didn’t break from him when he talked about grabbing women by the p*ssy.

Grisham can fuck off with that carefully crafted statement.

I agree with everyone who urged that we not take this seriously as some sort of Melania rebellion, and that this was merely a carefully crafted PR statement. From the beginning, this maladministration has followed a deliberate strategy of delivering different messages to different constituencies. That’s what Ivanka, Jared, Melania and the “grownups in the room” were supposed to do. It’s why the five Cabinet members went before the cameras to say “Yes, we know Russia interfered with the election” while the Dotard was calling it fake news before a crowd at a rally. This is the sleight of hand designed to assure the Republican donors and those few remaining Republican voters who haven’t yet taken leave of their senses not to take the Dotard’s statements too seriously and that the “grownups” are still making decisions.

I think she is so bored that she entertains herself by pissing trump off.
When he bullies her she probably responds with the usual line:
Divorce me !!!

I’m sure LeBron James is much relieved by this, life, after all, still has a meaning !