Discussion: First Female White House Chief Usher 'No Longer Employed'

As if Ivanka would share a bed with the Shitgibbon. At least not w/out another substantial payment.

This has nothing to do with race or anything like that. She needed to go because she believed in ushering and will be replace by someone who is opposed to ushering.


Apparently someone at the White House didn’t get the memo:

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Book to come?

I hope.

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Exactly what I was going to say. Mar-a-Lago servers tend to be thin, white Eastern European women here on work Visa. This lovely woman doesn’t fit the image Trump has of people roaming the halls of the White House


The word “purge” comes to mind. I wish her all the luck, too, and I hope she finds a wonderful job to take the place of the one that was stolen from her. I AM making a bunch of assumptions here, but this is the Trumpholes we’re talking about–they hate black people, they hate women.


Clearly they’re making room for Eric…

The reason it’s going so slowly is that Trump only works a couple hours a day when he’s there. And he ain’t there much.


Our so-called President frequently rambles on incoherently, saying “blah, blah, blah.” But we know he doesn’t mean it.

No room for blah in this White House.

Nah, Chris Christie.

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Nice, but this position is a little high up for Christie. This person would be in charge of sending someone out for McDonald’s, Christie is more likely the sucker who will be sent on the food run.

Absolutely no doubt in my mind that someone whispered into Trump’s increasingly addled ear that she was spying for Obama and leaking to the press.

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Trump is giving the position to Jared Kushner, I hear.
Nothing much on his plate (no pun intended)

Don’t forget that his previous occupation has to have been something totally unrelated. Maybe a plumber (Joe, is that you?) or an exterminator (I hear Tom is still looking for something to do.).

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So stylish and elegant – that simply won’t do, quite apart from her ineligibility to hover at the edges of photographs showcasing old white men signing away the nation’s future.

Trump continues his long held policy of not letting black people sleep under his roof.

But don’t call him a racist or anything.


I certainly have heard much about him lately. Wonder why?

As far as the firing of this very capable woman, I hope she’s happy to be out of that racist nuthouse.

Worst. President. Ever.


Ah, I see from the Post story that she used to work for Ritz-Carlton. Another blot on her copybook – everyone knows the Ritz is so inferior to Trump properties. (Note to Jeff Sessions: apprehend people caught using the adjective “ritzy.”)

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Good point.

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A twofer: black women