Discussion: First Ebola Patient Arrives In U.S

Discussion for article #225876

This is why “The Walking Dead” is set in Atl.

This is all part of Emperor Dictator King Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s plan. He plans to infect us all with Ebola, and only he and the New World Order have the cure. Why the kerfuffle over his birth certificate? Because it turns out that his birth certificate actually lists his name as Barack Hussein Ebola. Yes, it’s been part of the nefarious plan for more than half a century now.

By the time he’s done with us, we’ll all be speaking Esperanto and working on collective farms. And where will the New World Order’s headquarters be?


It’s all so obvious in retrospect…

I have to say I was nervous when I was watching them follow the ambulance via helicopter on TV and realized at one point they were 3 blocks from my house…actually, you could see my house when they showed the surrounding area…ebola, anthrax, small pox…all within visual from my back deck (you can see the CDC building)

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Soooo…the PLAN is to make them comfortable and hope that their bodies beat back the virus? So that they can do WHAT? Go home? Walk about among the general public???

That simply can not be the PLAN. The plan would lead to a worse outcome than allowing the disease to run it’s course.

A foxbot was yelling at me this morning when I refused to agree with his talking point: Obama is bringing Ebola to the US as part of jihad.

That simply cannot be an actual OPINION. Because that would mean you are incredibly stupid, stupid, stupid.

Sure, I’m so stupid that I think that allowing someone who has an Ebola viral load that is present but undetectable to walk among the populace is dumb.

These two medical personnel are very brave, and they deserve the best care their own country can offer. How many people would do what they’ve done?

Obama is going to make every body sighn up for Obama Care If its the last thing he does.This Ebola thing is his last resort