Discussion: Fire Marshals, A Gold Star Family, And Fox News: When Trump Takes Sides

Let’s not forget Mexico…


Her article is really the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’. There are way too many instances of this type of behavior from Trump.




She didn’t mention him becoming the head of the birthers.


Ivanka can come up with the right response to this bigotry and racism, her father can’t. Even now hours later he can’t and that’s very telling.
Trump is an alt-right, white supremacist, neo-Nazi supporter and for him…there’s nothing else to say…except trump supports bigotry and racism.

On reflection I guess there is one more point I’d like to make. Congress needs to act on removing trump from office. For the sake of our country we need to remove this supporter of everything we stand against as a nation.


Some, by being idiots. Some, by being desperate. Some, by being bigots.

The first two groups, I can pity somewhat for being fooled or fooling themselves. That last group… well, I guess congratulations are in order.


I’ve said it before but Bannon “impresses” me as the kind of guy who would kid around about his invisible army and how crazy and dangerous they are, heh, heh. It’s an understatement that Trump is short on courage. And running down the Secret Service is just one more thing he shouldn’t have done. Instead he places his faith in Shiller’s rent-a-cops.
Maybe he’s just a scared little guy. OK, less little every day.


Oh but he is taking sides. He takes the side of people who sport confederate flags and swastikas.


Not that he deserves sympathy.


Just occurred to me that Spicy and Reince are both desolate that they’re out of there. I’ll bet they’d give anything to be back, helping out.


There are articles all over the Intertubes which describe the disbelief that orange pig actually said what he did. There are also comprehensives lists of his lies, but looking around I found these two because I was looking for anti-Semitic spews. Nobody has to read the details, just pointing out the media is on to him.


“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure. It’s not your fault.”




I think Shrub is worried Trump’s disapproval ratings will never ever approach that of Shrub’s. But he may say that that happened because Trump was removed from office or died prior to his expected approval rating plunge.

Trump revealed as a quivering wimp once again, can’t even rise to his usual level of twitter gangster today. COS Kelly finally pried his phone loose? Or just hitting the golf course again (speaking of colossal wastes of time).

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Good collection, and let’s not forget all the times he actually encouraged violence from his Trumpsters. Kind of makes his recent appeal to end violence, a hypocritical crock of shit.


Did they though? I mean many for sure, perhaps most - but depending on where folks get their news, I’m no longer so sure they really did get the unvarnished Dump. Btw Wikileaks, Putin bots and even the MSM, I think a fair amount fell for the Big Con without getting the whole truth.

And trumpers continue to support and apologize for this fraud. They attack those who call out his bigotry with suggestions that they won’t accept election results. Trump supporter=Bad American. It doesn’t matter if you agreed with him or not - continued support is denigrating the country. Who can accept this multi-headed hydra?


How sad that he could have any meal he wanted, and yet he opts for a pink slimeburger and fries. Does a bit of lettuce and some ketchup count as fruit and vegetable? Think how much better he would have felt on that flight if he’d chosen some something with actual nutrition. It could only help his mental function, although that might be a lost cause at this point.


The only people he hasn’t attacked are the Nazis and Putin. Hell of a thing, that.


the best way to accurately analyse the true “inner Trump” is to see what he is saying about others and then apply these criticisms to Little Donald Trump himself. i.e., “crooked Hillary” Little Donnie has made a career out of ripping off people and refusing to follow through on contractual commitments. “Lyin’ Ted”, Little Donnie lies when the truth would serve him better. McCain is “no hero.” Little has never done a heroic thing in his life.
… and on and on and on.

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