Discussion: Fiorina Tells Women Of 'The View' To 'Man Up' And Debate Her On Policy

Face the Nation, would that suit her face issues any better than The View? Fox isn’t exactly fitting for her either.

Where would Carly fit in? Radio, that’s it.

She may have a point.

That’s her nose, I think.

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Only if you mean “normal” looks like the spawn of Cruella DeVille and Secretariat.

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Whoopi will open a can of whoop ass on her … will be worth watching!

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I thought her point was on top of her head.

Every time a “liberal” (and let’s face it, the View is liberal only by Rush Limbaugh standards and by the fact that it’s women talking about things other than their relationship to men) says nasty things about Fiorina’s appearance it gives her another chance to pretend that she’s not an arrogant liar whose policy ideas come out of 19th-century england or mid-18th-century france.

So don’t do that.

She certainly had work done on her face, but I think she looks pretty good for it. It is the inside of her that is so clearly ugly. Don’t think those misogynist Republicans would ever give her the nomination though. She can lie all she wants, she can jump up and down and prance around naked and they are just going to ignore her. I suggest we do the same.

She really shouldn’t have telegraphed the lies she intends to use; the View people will shred her. she needs to bring a fresh, previously untried group of lies, in order to throw the View women off.

Not just botox. I’ve seen those ruthless side by side before and after photos of her. She has had real infrastructure work done. It’s not just surface unattractiveness. This woman is ugly spirit and soul… all the way to the bone.

Typical lousy CEO reaction to criticism: Attack the messenger of bad tidings.
When confronted with “inconvenient facts” they use bluster and table-pounding and threats to intimidate the opponent into backing down and thus avoid having to answer for anything. She is a master at this and has a long history of using any underhanded methods (up to and including hiring Private Investigators to dig up dirt on Board members and VPs she was fighting) to WIN AT ALL COSTS. Anything to not have to answer hard questions.
Since Carly only accepts HER facts, and no one elses, she is never wrong. Just ask her.

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…I think what this points out is that liberals, and unfortunately that includes liberal women, when they don’t like the message, they attack the messenger."

So, you’re saying that you’re a liberal now, is that it Carly?

It was certainly an odd phrasing choice. Unless of course, the reach of her plastic surgeon went a lot farther than what we can see … or care to, I hastily add.

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The botox and plastic surgery did her no favors. Like many insecure women, she was much more attractive pre-surgery.

That said, I really don’t care how she looks. It’s her gob-smacking lies and horrible policies that make her ugly.

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Attacking her on her looks is Trump’s level.

Not to worry, I’ll have not trouble ignoring a naked, prancing Fiorina. Of course now it will take intensive therapy to just get the imaginary image out of my brain.