Discussion for article #245754
Golden opportunity - arrest 'em all. Maybe someone should invite Ted Nugent?
“I’ve been invited to go. I haven’t committed myself at all but first let me tell ya bout the negro.”
Maybe the whole damned bunch of them would just fade away if the cameras were all turned off? Worth trying, I’d say.
Hey, Cliven, just a friendly word of advice. When the OSP pulls you over and you jump out of the truck waving both hands and all that LaToya Finkum bullshit, just don’t grope under your jacket to retrieve the sidearm you’ll be packing. The myth you’ve been told that you’ll go someplace to be with your buddy LaToya is a pile of bullshit. Being a rancher-type sucking off the teat of we the taxpayers, I’m sure you know what bullshit is, don’t’cha, Cliven?
Great! One more idiot on the scene. Hopefully he’ll go for his gun also.
A heavily armed wagon train, I’m guessing?
While he’s gone, impound his cattle.
Anybody know if I can legally make a citizen’s arrest?
nitpicker: While he’s gone, impound his cattle.
and arrest cloven’s sorry ass in transit.
That’s awesome. Go ahead and go. Take your guns, see if you can’t finally get yourself arrested.
While freeloader Cliven is away, the feds should put a padlock on the gate to his ranch and not let him back in until he pays what he owes the government for grazing cattle on public lands.
Ah, the moth to the flame.
Thanks for the segue @fargo116…
Oh yes, Cliven you told us all about the Negro, and in the process, showed us how truly ignorant you are. You benefit from government subsidies, don’t pay your bills, and have THREE, not one, not two, but THREE children in jail. One of your kids violated his parole and has a drug problem! Another is building a business off of government handouts and programs. The third??? The lawless nature of your children demonstrates your poor parenting skills. I have to wonder about your values and morals, or is it just the nature of your culture that promotes such behavior? Instead of working hard to support their families, your kids are running around waving guns, breaking into buildings, vandalizing valuable cultural artifacts, damaging government property and trying to start a revolt. On top of that, they have been terrorizing not one, but two communities (Bunkerville and Burns), and threatening law enforcement. That’s not how decent people raise their kids to behave. You my friend, need to get your priorities straight, and teach your children to respect the rules and laws of our society. You need to teach them the value and dignity of hard work, and how to get off government handouts. You should be in a cell right next to them, but someone needs to help them break the cycle of lawlessness, violence and dependency. You need to look deep within yourself and find that decent person that I know has to be in there.
Damn, that felt good…
He’s waiting to hear from Hannity about a ride to Oregon!
Welfare queen, attention whore. Photobombing Junior’s tabloid “martyrdom”.
“Ah, the moth to the flame.”
Oh goodie. This can only help… And he has politician backing now.
“There is a (Caucasian) Nevadan sitting in jail, and as an office holder, I will be there to demand his release,” she said. FIFH
please, please, PLEASE let there be an arrest warrant with his name on it… charged with tax evasion and sedition, preferably… and being an unfit parent…
I remember these guys. Star Trekkies before anyone knew.
Dear Cliven;
Please remember to bring your gun and the boots you wish to be buried in.