Discussion: Film Trailer Lays Trump's Voice Over Scenes Of Vigilante Shooting Immigrants (VIDEO)

“Sooner” mentions wearing the Canadian Maple Leaf on international business for protection. Some things never change. I, like 100s of Hippies hitchhiking worldwide in the late 1960s and early 1970s, wore a Canadian flag stitched to my backpack, for safety. If we’d worn USA flags, we were targets for all kinds of abuse, not to mention murder, worldwide. And that was in 1969 that I was hitchhiking from Bloomington, IN to Kathmandu via Europe and Asia, all on foot, with $300. You could do it in those days, believe it or not. Well, not now, no more, never again. Forget Trump. The world hates us already such that I can no longer hitchhike across the world unarmed, unharmed. Trump? Yawn. Just adding a little bitter icing onto that hatred of Americans, and for good reasons too. I hate them myself, and I’m one of them. In Nice, France, I happened to mention to a barber that I was an American, while he was cutting my hair. After he was done, I had no hair left. He’s shaved off all my long freak flag, due to hatred of Americans in France, all due to the Viet Nam horror show that American created in Viet Nam, formerly a French colony.

Here you go: http://www.redbubble.com/people/shypixel/works/21096402-the-original-truck-fump

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But maybe it would work for Sanders with his voice over, or the tabulation of his votes to protect the armed Minutemen from intervention by Mexico (the vote was to keep the information about the vigilantes patrolling the southern border from Mexico).

Coming soon to anti-Trump folks near you.

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He´s threatening to sue an artist who painted him naked with a small penis.