He’s more like a maggot on a rotting corpse.
I didn’t mean Carson, I meant the late Adlai Stevenson, UN ambassador and a Democratic candidate for President twice in the 50s and 60s.
Is anyone really shocked to learn that the medieval mindset of conservatives and the indignation-laden rhetoric of Republican politicos are diametrically opposed to the knowledge-oriented ideology of the scientific and medical research community?
In other news, water is still wet.
Not in California, it’s not.
From wherever did the blood come?
Anybody know where the TeaPubs get their ‘mouth sides’? I’m assuming it must be the same place where they get their back-pedals.
You have water in CA?
During one of Stevenson’s losing Presidential campaigns, an admirer gushed to Adlai, “Every thinking person will vote for you!”
Stevenson ruefully replied, “Yes, but I need a majority.”
Is this on par with Bill Clinton’s ‘I tried marijuana but I didn’t inhale’ comment?
So yeah, hypocrisy.
You’re saying that giving a disingenuous answer about using a then-illegal substance is the same as loudly and stridently denouncing a completely legal medical research activity while having engaged in the same completely legal medical research activity several years before.
Mark Halperin would be impressed.
Classic case of surgeon being an a-hole - being thoroughly consumed with their view of their own infallibility - anything - absolutely anything that they do is OK - because they are, of course, doing it for the ‘right reasons’ - which makes it OK …
add to this the blatant hypocrisy of him knowing full well that there was no 'selling ’ of human tissue going on.
Actually, that would make a very powerful ad for the general election - in an obvious, “in your face” manner that Democrats unfortunately don’t utilize very often.
Hypocrisy thy name is republi-con!
He probably took the hypocritic oath when he graduated from medical school.
Thanks, Ben, for clarifying that Republicans are against killing babies. I guess you all will now stop howling for war against Iran, and finally apologize for the death and destruction you caused to Iraqi citizens as well. Because guess what, Ben, thousands of sentient babies die in war, some of whom are viable yet die in the womb because their mothers are killed, some of whom barely take their first breath before dying.
I wonder why he referred to a “dead specimen” instead of “dead baby” in the same sentence he spoke of killing babies. I’m not one to try gotchas on R’s because I don’t think I need to but I wonder if that was a slip of the tongue into doctor speak or if he was consciously trying to prevent outrage from his side by making it sound completely different from using doctor aborted tissue.
Reminds me of another historical hypocrisy:
“The statute of limitations has long since passed on my youthful indiscretions,” House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde said. Now let’s impeach that bastard Clinton.
This. It was doctor speak and in the world of medical research, that’s the term.
Hey, craven political candidate, your doctor is showing.
kind of reminds me of the bill clinton BJ so called scandal all the republicons especially newty gingrich chastiseing clinton, yet what exactly was he doing during the same time frame???