Discussion for article #226739
I learned tonight that the Officer Wilson did not file an incident report. So while the police lied and said that they couldn’t release it before witnesses were heard because it might taint their stories. What is really going to happen is that Officer Wilson is free to shape his story around everything that he is aware of at this point. I don’t see how there will be justice in this case when everything has been done to make it impossible to get a conviction of the officer in this case. The only hope for justice in this case is on the federal level because the officer is being allowed to go before the grand jury and tell his story while he has not even ever filed an incident report. The only incident report that was filed was recent and it says nothing except the date of the incident and the name Michael Brown. The police need to be held accountable and whether or not this was a deliberate attempt to interfere with the case needs to be investigated. The superiors knew that there was no incident report even though people have been asking for it since day one. The first release was apparently 8/22 and it says nothing. This is a tragedy upon tragedy.
Well, it looks like the white power structure has survived Ferguson. The initial ugly visuals were overcome. The crowd was exhausted and effective press manipulation worked its magic. Small and not so small towns all across the country are free to abuse their minority community members with impunity. Cut those taxes raise those fines. Donald Sutherland’s character in the Hunger Games would be pleased.
In Ferguson itself the nearly all white police department served the nearly all white city government and totally all white elite well. Chief Jackson’s troops can return to polishing their military equipment and drill for the next uprising. No need to change a thing.
Nobody has learned anything.
Help me here. How is a “failure to disperse” a crime? Why are the police even asking this? Why can’t they protest as long, loudly and peacefully as possible? What am I missing?
The protesters were not white.