Discussion: Feinstein: Benghazi Committee A 'Hunting Mission For A Lynch Mob' (VIDEO)

Discussion for article #222869

That’s very accurate IMO.


The Benghazi Committee’s morning prayer breakfast meeting:

Feinstein: Benghazi Committee A ‘Hunting Mission For A Lynch Mob’

Bit of a mixed metaphor here, but a creditable effort nonetheless. I would have phrased it as:

‘An execrable snipe hunt for the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.’

or, to paraphrase Oscar Wilde: “The unspeakable in full pursuit of the unprovable.”


Not that I would expect better from this useless creature but the correct response would be: the real culprit here is the funding for embassy security denied by Republicans on the hill.

Why is this so hard?


This dead dog has been beat so often that I’m running out of snark for it. Surely this is a sign from our maker that it’s time to move on to the next faux scandal.


The best we can hope for is that every GOPher on this committee goes down in November – plus Darrell “Car Thieving Arsonist” Issa for good measure. Too much to hope, I know, but…


The real Benghazi plot is a plot by the Republican leadership. Cut funding for embassy security, giving the State department a choice between being a little short on security everywhere or very short on security somewhere. Either way, it sets up a situation ripe for an attack. Every decision to not increase security someplace because there is no money is another vulnerability for this administration, because they could have cannibalized security somewhere else to increase it where it failed. Difficult decisions everywhere that will all look bad in retrospect no matter what the professionals do.

Republicans are just sorry the inevitable failure was not more spectacular, with more people killed and some irresponsible email from somebody so they can nail them over it.


It’s a sure sign of a bad idea when Darrell Isa says it’s a bad idea.

This is the same thing repugs try to do with all government. Cut funding, (in this case for security), then when they can’t do the job because they don’t have the resources, repugs scream, see we told you government cannot do the job. Pick a topic involving government and the story is the same. repugs are disgusting.


Yes, yes but why aren’t Democrats saying this? This is low hanging fruit, this should be easy! Want the media to pick up this meme? Use terms like ‘blood on their hands’ and ‘the GOP signed Ambassador Stevens death warrant’ and watch the GOP’s head explode and the media lap it up. The media wants outrageous statements…give them some! It also has the added benefit of being true.


Fucking gift of gab! That’s goddam perspicacious, Senator! Bravo!

You nailed it. We Dems (me included) just aren’t that good at going for the outrageous.

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Time and again, wrongdoers who do their wrong in a complex way get away with it. Best example is Wall Street, mortgage backed securities, and credit default swaps. Same here, Republicans cut funding and caused Benghazi, but the explanation is too complex to fit into a sound bite. If Democrats try to explain, they will be paraphrased in some short, trite line like “Democrats blame the Republicans”, just as they did in Kerry’s run for President. If you don’t give it to the press short and pithy like they want, they’ll do it for you, and then whine how you’re not consistent. We really need to get the broadcast news to slow down and give a story more than 2 sentences if we are ever going to approach and solve complex problems.

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Actually, not that hard: “The Republicans caused Benghazi.”

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You gotta play the game that exists instead of constantly trying to rise above. Take a look at the zeitgeist…staying above the fray doesn’t work. The Right gives the media what they want, controversy and lots of Sturm und Drang, the controversies die because there’s no truth behind it, but it works for a while, then they find something new. It’s death by a thousand cuts right now. This is the game. Dems better learn to play it soon.

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… the Obama administration was not prepared for the attack.

“There were faults. The intelligence was there. Actions should have been taken,” she said.

So She’s on our side?

A thousand times ‘Yes’! But the media isn’t going run with that unless Dems give them the loud headlines they want…“Democrats say the GOP has Ambassador Steven’s blood on their hands!” Oh but it’s sooo distasteful for the typical effete Dem who would rather lose and keep their dignity to no positive effect or outcome. Oh but this place is replete with fainting couches…sigh.

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No it’s not too complex. Example: “The GOP signed Ambassador Steven’s death warrant when they blocked additional funds for embassy security”. Clear. Concise. Controversial. The problem is that most Democrats feel that they’re above that sort of thing. We need more Graysons in this party. Without inflammatory statements, the media won’t report.

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It’s not about being good at it, it’s about desire to do it in the first place.

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