Discussion: Feds Investigated Michael Cohen For Alleged Illegal Foreign Lobbying

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For all of those worried that the Mueller Report will be a nothingberder, just scroll through the warrant and see page after page after page which is fully redacted…


Mueller is such a tease

Mueller accessed Cohen emails within weeks of taking over Russia inquiry
Mueller obtained search warrant to access emails in July 2017
Court documents released by federal judge in New York

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Witches, Witches as far as the eye can see!

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let there be an email saying:

“At the request of the president, please deposit one beelyun dollars into my personal checking account and I’ll see to it he gets his cut.”


I can state categorically that Cohen did NOTHING without Trump’s demand/approval. This is the man who counted sheets of toilet paper in his office building; is it at all credible that Cohen was a “lone wolf”?

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