Discussion: Federal Judge Slaps Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio With Contempt-Of-Court Hearing

Discussion for article #233264

Joe meet Karma. Karma this is Joe. He likes to wear pink underwear and eat green Bologna sandwiches. He’s an outdoorsman that enjoys tenting in the desert in July.


I sincerely hope he eventually lands in jail.


Arpaio has never come to terms with the fact that he is not the law west of the Pecos. It’s frustrating to see how long the courts are taking to make him heel. If you or I were flouting a judge’s orders, we’d be answering pointed questions within days, not months.


It’s the Way of the West; just look at the scofflawry of that other notable personality, Clive Bundy.


I imagine that Ragtime Cowboy Joe’s calculus is that this works to his advantage with his supporters. What he failed to consider is that he may be the one eating green bologna and wearing pink underwear.

So, congratulations on your pyrrhic victory, there, tough guy…


If the federal court does decide to fine this man on a daily basis, is it he or the county who hires him who will be liable for payment? If the taxpayers, well, I won’t feel bad for all of the ones who keep voting this dude back into office. Sometimes, you gotta hit them where it hurts the most: the wallet.


Fines? Throw him in one of his pink suits and let him bake in the hot sun!


Just fine him 1 billion dollars already.


Mr.“America’s toughest sheriff” also need to be called to account for the hundreds of untested rape kits he leaves sitting around. So much for his professed concern for solving crimes or victims.


I was born in Maricopa County. My aunt told me years later that I was lucky my parents had gotten me out of there. This was long before Sheriff Arpaio’s time. More years later I had a couple of art shows out there and I could see what my aunt meant and this, too, was before Sheriff Arpaio’s time. It’s not a nice place and the Sheriff is just a reflexion of the “people” who keep voting him into office. Just my opinion.


Anyone else would be in jail.


The taxpayers of Maricopa County will be on the hook for any fines, just as they’ve had to pay millions in the past for Arpaio’s F-ups… But they deserve it…


when you live in AZ it seems like years …

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At this pace, the courts will have an actual investigation about the time that Arpaio leaves office and gets away with all these years of his shit.

But then again, the nuts needs some place to live and someone to protect them and this seems to be as good of a place as any and Arpaio seems supremely qualified.

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Arpaio is in contempt of pretty much everyone. So the court should not take this personally. He is a one-trick pony who thinks illegal immigration is more serious a crime to fight than sexual assault and domestic violence, and possibly even capital murder. He’d much rather be in the limelight than a law enforcement officer who was actually good at deterring real crime.

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I still can’t figure out why this guy isn’t behind bars wearing his beloved pink underwear after all these years.


I hope Arpiao has to spen a jail term in his own “tent city” and wear his “designer underwear”.
The embarrassment to my state continues…

Power, plain and simple.

CAN"T wait to see his perp walk!