No. Shatner can be funny but there’s nothing funny about Manafort. Doesn’t even have a personality. And yet I feel sorry for him.
This judge is truly brilliant. While acting sceptical during hearings, the rulings are excellent.
Yes I’m sure they didn’t think it would fly.
That’s just the kind of spurious arguments I would raise on appeal just because you work with what’s there. People should not think they are expecting the whole thing to go away or collapse based on these pre-trial hearings. This is all just burning time that is getting paid for and looking zealous.
Let him sit in prison while his lawyers throw stuff against the wall. I give him three weeks before he sings.
Boy I don’t. Not one bit.
Give it up, Manafort. You’re toast.
I sense a recurring theme…
He is still waiting on the T.S. Ellis ruling. If it goes south he caves. If Ellis loses his mind and rules against OSC all hell will break loose in nutlandia.
OSC has to be darn near perfect; RWNJ’s are ready to pounce on any hiccup.
I can’t figure it out. Saw his wife following after him one time coming out of court and felt bad for her. I don’t know what happened, how it is I transferred my sympathies to him.
I wonder if Peter Thiel is funding his defense in exchange for Manafort agreeing to be a trial monkey for immortality treatments.
Oh! When is that due? I thought it was a couple weeks? Thought I heard he got the memo he asked for.
I’m not knocking you - your empathy is laudable.
Looks like Manafort’s lawyers need a few extra shovels.
Mueller, of course, knows this. And do far, he and his team have been hella close to perfect. Beginning with the fact that they leak even less than your average nuclear submarine.
aka “Boomers” - I truly look forward to the day that Mueller and his team lower the boom on this Kleptocratic Klown Kar and it’s occupants…
Well Mueller has booted some of the Klown Kars, the question is has he got them all? Oh I wouldn’t want to be the clerk when these bozos come to the impound lot.
Parking Wars references
On the other hand, Shatner is great at looking nervous and like he’s hiding something. I think he’d kill it.
Sitting around waiting for trial might be the best condition manafort could have. Once the trial starts, he has a choice between the federal pen and the oligarchs, but for the moment he can still play them against each other the tiniest bit.
Somebody is going to ask him whether the high living was worth it.
And “flooding the tubes” ain’t leaking…
Let’s get this ‘throwing crap against the wall’ analogy straight… who is throwing and what are they throwing?
Please advise.
Well for bail you’d need verified and secured assets, right? Money for lawyers can come from anywhere in the world,yes?