Discussion: Federal Judge Blocks Trump's Medicaid Work Requirements In Two States

For “the Trump administration’s marquee efforts to push the poor toward self-sufficiency,” read “the Trump administration’s efforts to retain support in conservative states by reducing the safety net for the poor.”

The failure of nearly everyone in this administration to understand how government rulemaking actually works has been a huge benefit to the country. Obviously they’ve done a lot of damage, but most of their big administrative changes - rules that would be on the books and difficult to undo - have fallen afoul of the “arbitrary and capricious” standard and the Administrative Procedures Act. They think they can just order something done and that’s it.

There are a large number of hospitals run by faith-based organizations that accept charity cases. The Catholics are probably the most prolific, but many other religions operate and support hospitals and health-care facilities - Jewish, Methodist, Seventh-Day Adventists, etc. (My wife used to work at a Seventh-Day Adventist hospital.) They do exist. But the faith-based charity hospitals should not be the primary health-care providers for the low-income population. Demand exceeds supply.

they still charge, and as I know from experience, they don’t charge any less than any other for profit institution

110% agree. The decent folks did not want to work for Trump, or quickly saw the handwriting on the wall and left. So he ended up with ideological hacks or lobbyists as his appointees. With a few notable exceptions, these people have a hard time putting 2+2 together, let alone understanding how you get a regulation enacted which will satisfy the APA review standard.

Assuming the D’s don’t nominate a far left candidate who Trump beats in 2020, hopefully at the end of the day, Trump’s real damage will be to the Courts in the judges who he appointed. (this is not counting the impact on America’s place in the world and the climate)…