Discussion: Federal Investigators Have More Than 100 Trump-Related Tapes From Cohen

Keee-rap, that might be the smoking gun right there.


Do any of them have an eighteen-and-a-half minute gap?


A great many people are being hurt by this administration. Therefore it is small consolation Trump’s term is consumed by all things Russia, collusion, meddling, etc… Although it is nice knowing it gnaws on him, frustrates him, angers him and drives him to distraction. Every day.


Surely one of these conversations was about the pee pee tape?

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Rudy did say he had heard a lot worse than the one that has already been released. These must be them.


As long as there is a pulse, not a moment’s rest.


Can you quote him saying that?

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I’ll judge that Cohen has truly “flipped” when he’s ready to tell the truth about his trip to Prague to courier communications from the Trump campaign to Putin’s agents. He’s dropped hints on Twitter by tut-tutting the Russian attacks on our democracy, but as yet has not gone into full cooperation mode.


Rachel said it
Buckle Up
Trump will go crazy(er)as the walls close in.


“Michael Cohen had the habit of using his phone to record conversations instead of taking notes,” Davis said.

Oh talk dirty to me Lenny! I LOVE it.


This saddens me greatly: how will I ever trust my mob lawyer again?


I’m sure this will be interesting for awhile and get more than an appropriate amount of media attention, and if it brings down Trump … great.

But, let’s not ignore or lose track of the damaging things this administration does on a daily basis. Democrats, keep working non-stop on winning as many federal and state seats as possible in November. And get registered and GOTV.


Trump’s advisers are also considering whether they should instead play along and release damning recordings of Cohen, according to two people close to the President.

“What Kind Of A Client Would Tape A Lawyer? So Sad!”


I doubt much will come from Cohen’s tapes. It seems he was just a media distrusting Trumpi covering his ass with an iPhone. Most of the recordings were made when he was a loyal servant to Trump and I imagine he ditched the more incriminating ones before he soured on his master.

He knows a lot of stuff he didn’t tape. The one doozy that’s been made public will likely change a few true Trump believers into skeptics and it makes claims of Trump shagging other “branded women” more believable. Not much use to Mueller but a soother for the folks that went through the hypocritical holier than thou shit thrown at Clinton in the 90’s.


And we’re supposed to buy Trump’s crap after his “he better hope there are no tapes” bullshit bluff meant to intimidate Comey? I suppose if Trump cuts loose tapes ( which I doubt the childish person has ) that would be tantamount to a waver of attorney / client protection in both directions.


Nah, much of America is composed of drunken, adulterous louts (men and women) that will view Trump’s dalliances as something to be proud of and emulated. The opportunity to shag someone young and attractive is in all their dreams, you know, since their current partner is a drunken, adulterous lout.


The Trump team is reportedly contemplating whether to ask a court to rule on Cohen’s “indiscriminate release of material,” in the Post’s words. Trump’s advisers are also considering whether they should instead play along and release damning recordings of Cohen, according to two people close to the President.

How well does this paragraph encapsulate Dotard? He waived privilege on the tapes and now he doesn’t like how the person who has the tapes is using them. So to threatens to take him to court. (Isn’t he the guy you used to use to threaten people with court? My guess is that he’s on to that.) And then they contemplate releasing damning recordings of Cohen–because nothing says “presidential” like acting purely out of pique at someone’s actions. Of course, that’s the only thing they know how to do–threaten.


73,000 folks out of 320,000,000 made the call that put Trump in the oval office. I know there’s a ton of defeatism on liberal blogs ( “nothing will change them…they stay with Trump no matter what” ) but I’m not saying all of them or a significant portion of them. Just a few, 2 to 5 % and Trump has no political future.


I want to hear about THIS: https://twitter.com/MichaelAvenatti/status/1022382109535522816
“Breaking: Donald Trump conspired with Michael Cohen to pay off multiple other women prior to Election Day in 2016. They were also concerned about a pregnancy. Cohen has evidence and info in his possession and it must be released to the public. Now! #Basta”