Discussion: Federal Court Rules Texas Must Issue Confederate Flag License Plates

Reagan appointee Jerry E Smith dissented, starts on page 20.


Well, I’m all for it when morons publicly self-identify.


Praise and Worship??? Him

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What they’re really saying is, “You have to tolerate my intolerance, but I don’t have to tolerate your beliefs.”


Kind of how I feel about it. Were I driving down the highway and approached a vehicle with a confederate plate, I would immediately try to pass him or hang back in order to stay far away. When I see someone wearing a confederate flag gear, I don’t even get offended. They’re either trash, an idiot or both. Always both, really.


25000 signatures! I guess that rules out pedophilia plates, but drinkin’ and drivin’ plates shouldn’t be a problem.


And the reformation of the GOP’s image, as urged by Reince Priebus continues. Hispanics, African Americans, women, the poor, college students…all are today FLOCKING to the party banner, lured by ???


It’s the heritage vs hate debate. The SVC and their ilk claim they support the flag because it represents the valor and sacrifice of southern soldiers and not because it represents racism and hate and that the flag was taken over by hate groups that misrepresent the true nature of the flag’s history. Of course, they always neglect the fact that the SCV were members of the hate groups that appropriated that flag as their symbol.


Just consider the plates as the equivalent of a Skull and Crossbones warning on poison: Approach at your own peril.

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Comic Sans- all the way


By logical extension, it’s a violation of the racists’ First Amendment rights if confederate flags do not fly on the Capitol Building and the White House.


Why is it these Confederacy fantasy-fappers want black people to forget about the past but can’t seem to do the same with theirs?


You mean it hasn’t happened yet?

I don’t think that will fit, though.

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A few observations from the TX DMV website:

(1) “The International Symbol of Access (ISA) can be placed on a license plate if your medical condition meets the statutory definition of an eligible disability.” Sounds like Agenda 21 to me, people! Better get on it!

(2) They have plates for “Operation Iraqi Freedom” and “Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan,” so by Attorney McConnell’s stated standards ("…the government cannot step into an issue and silence one side while endorsing the viewpoint of the other side…") Texas must forthwith issue Al Qaeda and Taliban plates.

(3) Texas has an insane number (like 370+) of specialty plates, including high schools, private businesses (Ford, Remax, NASCAR), and colleges that aren’t even in Texas (Auburn, Grambling, OK State, etc).


Hard up for cash are they?


Yeah, but when you catch someone vandalizing your car with Darwin/Dawkins plate, you should be able to exercise your 2nd Amendment Stand Your Ground rights.


I would not be displaying this flag on anything prone to being hit with a baseball bat.


It would seem so. I wonder how hard it is for police agencies to keep track of what is and isn’t a legitimate plate?

You know, ironically enough, I think either of those designs should have a better chance than this one did.

The confederate flag is a symbol of rebellion, and thus treason, against the United States, no matter how you spin it. The sheer irony that it not only be allowed, but be required to be provided on government tags, is pretty amazing when you think about it.