Discussion: Federal Court Rules Texas Must Issue Confederate Flag License Plates

Large caps, and preferably in an elegant serif such as Sabon or Bodoni.

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Sooo, anything at all can be put on a commemorative license plate? Seriously, no limit?


You need to pay a fee and have something like 25000 people sign up to request it.


ASSpiring Pornstars of America.

With something classy, like a glass speculum?


Murka is a-gittin’ it Textarded, YEE-HAW!


Yeah, I guess in Texas self-expression is a pretty narrow one-way street with only sharp right turns.


It’s still about the blacks, they can’t accept anyone but a redneck. Let’s not over complicate things.


So, how long until swastikas grace our licence plates?


Large caps—ad snow white, of course.

These idiots won’t be hard to spot, they’ll be the same morons that the day before they got their Stirs & Birs plates, had Truk Nutz and were Rollin’ Coal.


Thanks Federal Court, for helping Texas slide even farther backward.


The Confederate flag needs to be an issue for Democrats. This is the flag of traitors and Democrats need to say that out loud…of course they won’t, and even if they did they’d apologize in nanoseconds and start saying that they too are concerned that Obama has taken the powers of a dictator.


Does that mean someone could demand plates with a swastika on them?


Damn, you beat me to it.

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“John McConnell, an attorney for the Sons of Confederate Veterans said the ruling confirms that “the government cannot step into an issue and silence one side while endorsing the viewpoint of the other side,” according to the Dallas Morning News.”

I don’t get it. What’s the “viewpoint of the other side”? What other side are they talking about? Is it the I love golden retrievers vs. I hate golden retrievers? This kinda stuff just exhausts me for some reason. Maybe … let them have their stupid license plates.


Gee, I would have thought the sons of confederate veterans would be dead or too old to drive. Hmmm.



I would say,theoretically yes, since the U.S., unlike Europe has no Federal “hate speech” laws that I am aware of, but it would have to pass the “imminent danger of unlawful action” test. I doubt the Swastika would get by this.

From Wikipidia

In 1969, the Supreme Court protected a Ku Klux Klan member’s racist and hate-filled speech and created the ‘imminent danger’ test to permit hate speech. The court ruled in Brandenburg v. Ohio that; “The constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not permit a state to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force, or of law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”

This test has been modified very little from its inception in 1969 and the formulation is still good law in the United States. Only speech that poses an imminent danger of unlawful action, where the speaker has the intention to incite such action and there is the likelihood that this will be the consequence of his or her speech, may be restricted and punished by that law.

So my above Darwin/Dawkins plate could possibly be refused on this basis for exactly the reasons that NC Steve gave - in TX, almost certain vandalism.


Yeah, seems like they are Confederate Patriots.


It’s becoming more and more amusing as to what is being classified as free speech. Money is speech, campaign ads are speech, and now license plates are speech. It won’t be long before these regressive old assholes decide rape is free speech as well because, ya know, he just wanted to express his attraction to her.


Hmmmm, I guess the guy who had his ATHEIST vanity license tag revoked by the state of Virginia because they had gotten complaints that some people were offended by it should have taken his case to federal court. I think about that guy every time I see a Virginia vanity plate that says something like “LV JSUS” or “P&W HIM.” Funny how the tolerance is only supposed to run one way.